"A Tale Of A Mermaid And A Pirate."

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A/N: No other parts for this one:) sorry for not making part 4 of "Why do you call me Queen?" Also a typical story that's not so typical:) lazy  and rushed art on top

"Land ahoy!" A young lad shouted and the captain shouted "lower the anchor!" The anchor was lowered and now reached the bottom of the sea floor. Almost everyone on the ship left the large honk of wood of a ship and went on to explore the land.

They all left someone on the ship to clean the mess and watch over it to make sure no one steals from their ship.

Nightmare sighed as he was mopping the deck. After he had cleaned the ship from top to bottom he looked out into the horizon.

Till he heard singing, he looked where the melodious voice had come from and saw from a distance a beautiful woman sitting on a rock.

He was hypnotized by the melody and jumped into the water, he had no control over his own body.

He was swimming closer to the figure sitting on the rock then the figure on the rock turned around to reveal a horrifying creature instead.

"Watch out!" Someone exclaimed and grabbed Nightmare's hand and dragged him away from the hypnoid.

The hypnoid jumped down from the rock and swam after Nightmare and his savior. But Nightmare's savior was much more faster than the hypnoid.

Nightmare couldn't do anything he was still bewitched. Eventually Nightmare and his savior arrived at the sea shore.

Nightmare's savior slapped Nightmare on the face and Nightmare was finally back to normal.

"Wake up! Snap out of it! Why would you go near a hypnoid?!" Nightmare's savior yelled and Nightmare's eyes widened.

His savior had the beauty of an angel and Nightmare was confused. "What's a hypnoid?" He asked his savior.  "Haiz... can't land people be more stupid?!"

Nightmare was offended by this and said defensively "I only asked what's a hypnoid not a racist insult!"

"Who are you anyway?!" Nightmare exclaimed "My name is Killer..." Nightmare's savior answered.

Then both of them were silent for a minute and Nightmare broke the silence "Thanks... for saving me." Killer smiled and replied "No problem."

Killer then turned around to leave when Nightmare stopped him, "Hey... can you go with me to my ship or just company me there?" Nightmare asked.

"Sure." Killer replied and held Nightmare's hand and both of them swam back to the ship.

Nightmare was looking down at Killer from the deck. Killer and Nightmare became friends, both of them talked till the sun went down.

Eventually the folks of the ship came back to see Nightmare talking to himself on the deck, "What cha' doing there lad?" The captain asked and Nightmare jumped.

"Uh-uhh.... nothing's cap!" Nightmare replied with fear in his words. The captain was suspicious about him and tried to look out the deck, but before he could do that Nightmare shouted.

"Hide!" Everyone was confused and so did the captain, he glance below the deck to see that nothing was there. "Are you going crazy lad?" The captain asked.

Nightmare shook his head and tried to persuade the captain to not look out the deck but the captain wasn't buying it. He ordered one of the people there to give him a luminance flores.

Nightmare panicked but it was too late, The captain threw the plant down the water and it revealed Killer who was hiding in the dark waters.

The captain shouted "Someone get the harpoons and nets! We caught ourselves a thousand sacks of nickels and gold!" Nightmare quickly rushed to the deck and he shouted for Killer to swim.

Killer was surprised that Nightmare was helping him, he threw a necklace at Nightmare and swam away.

Nightmare caught the necklace before he was pulled away from the other pirates, they threw him on the floor and started to aim for Killer.

Those who weren't holding any weapons were shouting Nightmare and cussing him. They beat up Nightmare saying "Are an Idiot?! You just let a thousand bags of nickels and gold out of our grasps!"

But Nightmare didn't say anything, he was clutching the necklace that Killer had gave him.

After the pirates failed to catch the mermaid, they turned to Nightmare and beated him and removed his clothes except for his shorts.

They threw him into the ocean and sailed away with frustration of losing sacks of riches.

Nightmare floated on the water, he passed out from the beatings he received. Killer returned to the spot were the Nightmare's ship was floating before but found Nightmare floating on the water half naked.

He was devastated yet a bit of shyness crept in, he snapped away from his thoughts and held Nightmare and swam to the nearby shore and laid him there.

He slept next to Nightmare hugging him, when dawn broke Nightmare woke up.

He saw that he was sleeping next to Killer and he blushed. He thought that he was just a dream. Killer woke up next to him and tears crept.

He hugged Nightmare and cried "Thank you for helping me last night!" Nightmare smiled and hugged back. Killer kissed him in the lips and Nightmare's eyes widened. They parted and Killer chuckled.

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