Chapter 7: Unorthodox Training and Keeping a Promise

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Chapter 7: Unorthodox Training and Keeping a Promise

 With a whole day ahead of me in game, I knew exactly what it was time to do.  Grabbing my backpack and emptying it of everything but some of my newer travel rations.  I packed in my water, my gloves, and some health potions, I also threw in 2 bags that I normally took with me when gathering herbs.  Leaving my Naginata as I still have not been doing any sort of training with it, I headed over to the Blacksmith shop.

“Morning Kade!”  I called to him.  He was currently in his forge hammering away at his latest project.  Black soot stained his work clothes that I’m sure never came out.

“Good morning Jade.” He replied.  “Sorry about earlier.  As I’m sure you guessed, those guys had really bothered me.  They thought that I would just teach them how to repair things just because they asked.  Then for one of them to actually pick up one of my hammers without my permission!”  His hands clenched in remembered anger.

I nodded in commiseration at what he had gone through.  “I won’t say who it involved but I’ll tell you that I was in the forest with a good friend and the same group that bothered you attacked us and tried to do worse to her.  Thankfully some guards had been patrolling the area and found us in time to prevent the worst thing from happening.”  As I told him this, his eyes narrowed dangerously while I could have sworn I heard the steel handle in his hands being crushed.  I couldn’t help but swallow at that.

“If they ever come back, I won’t let them leave.”  He replied in a cold voice.  I was so very glad I was on his good side.  “So did you come for some of my work?”  He enquired with a surprisingly calm voice now.

“Yes, I did.”  I replied.  “In fact, I’m looking for a very sturdy and high quality mining pick to use.  That, and a sturdy cart.  Something that can carry a lot of broken stone.”  I included.

“Hmmm, the cart I can easily sell to you for cheap since I keep a few extra to transport some of the ore I find, but the pick, that’s a bit tough to help you with.  I only keep two on hand for my own use and unless you’ve got about 500 gold on hand, then I don’t think you’d be able to afford one.” Kade told me.

“500 gold!  What is it made of?”  I exclaimed.  “Adamantine.”  He calmly replied.  “Um, could I pay you to make a cheaper one?”  I asked hesitantly.  “I certainly could, but like it took a week with your specialized weapon, it’ll take just about as long for the pickaxe since I’ve got a back log of other orders.” He answered.

Seeing my crestfallen expression he was silent for a moment as if deep in thought, then he spoke again.  “May I ask why you need a mining pick?”  “Um,” I hesitated.  “Can you keep a secret, even from your wife?”  This set him back on his feet but he was instantly much more interested in what I had to say.  “Absolutely” he replied.

I let out a sigh, glad I could finally confide in someone that could definitely help with my endeavor.  “I’m supposed to create a certain storage place for Monroe . . . have you ever heard of the term ‘Man Cave’ before?”  I asked him.  With a shake of his head I went on to explain.  “In the world that I come from, a Man Cave is a very important place for men.  It is meant to be a place that is specifically reserved for men that is separate from the rest of his home.  A place that he can go to, to play, relax, involve himself in certain hobbies and activities without interruption. The main purpose of this place is that it is meant to be enjoyed without interference or influence from any females.”

Kane’s jaw dropped at that revelation.  “Such a place is available in your world?!”  He enquired with excitement.  “Well, not every male has one, but those that do, enjoy it.”  I replied with a knowing smile.  Again Kade was silent . . . “Do . . . Do you suppose that Monroe would let me come to visit his Man Cave once finished?”

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