Chapter 10: The MAN CAVE

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Chapter 10: The MAN CAVE

Back in real life, I made a quick run to the gym for my usual swim and then rushed back home to do some research up on baby tigers.  After many different searches I had managed to compile quite bit of information.

Firstly, Victoria was right about being able to wean Azure at her current age from milk to meat, although it could be stretched an additional month since she was currently about 2 months old.  The packages of meat that she had provided for us had been cut up into little pieces, or minced as the term was.  From research, it said that tigers ate about 5% of their weight daily and preferred the meat of horses.  “Hmmm, I wonder where I can get horse meat.”  I muttered to myself

Continuing to read I learned that they needed additional calcium in their diet to promote healthy growth.  At least working in Victoria’s Apothecary shop gave me access to lots of different supplemental materials like powdered bones.

Grooming apparently took a major precedence upon the interaction between mother and cubs.  ‘How was I supposed to do that?  Maybe a wet washcloth or something?’  Still there was much more to learn.  

What really caught my interest was the growth rate of tigers.  Apparently Azure should be about 17 lbs. or 7.5 Kgs. at her current age.  That sounded about right.  Unfortunately even after extensive searching, I couldn’t find anything consistent about how fast she should grow after the first 11 weeks or almost 3 months of age.

I did come across one extremely concerning factor in my reading.   It said that when raising a tiger cub ,it is highly suggested to pair them with a domestic play partner, like a large dog.  “Crud, I barely have time for the tiger, how am I supposed to get a dog?”  I muttered in dismay.

In any case, armed with additional knowledge, I entered the capsule to start the new day.

* * * * *

I woke up to the sensation of someone tugging on my hair and the occasional needle being lightly jabbed into my scalp.  Blindly reaching up with my hands I encountered the furry body of my new companion.  Azure apparently had gotten tired of waiting for me to wake up and had taken matters into her own hands.

“Grrrrr.”  I made a low snarling sound which then caused Azure to jump down from my head to peer into my eyes with excitement.  Then she swiped at my nose with her left forepaw.  “Hahaha.”  I couldn’t help but laugh as I began lightly attacking her back, dodging and blocking her paws, which she thankfully kept sheathed at the moment.

*snicker* I heard the noise come from the back doorway that opened up to my room.  Victoria stood there with a blissful expression watching the antics of Azure and I as we played this new game.  In her hand was a spatula that I assumed meant she was in the middle of cooking.  Sure enough, as I finally managed to wrestle my way out of bed with Azure pouncing on me at every occasion did I get up to follow Victoria into the kitchen.

On the floor, beside the already set table lay a bowl of milk with chunks of meat in it.  ‘Well that went along with what the research said.’  I thought to myself.  Settling down myself to eat breakfast, the smells of sizzling meat and fresh biscuits was mouthwatering.  Too soon, it was all gone and it was time to face the day.

I had to admit, that though I hadn’t taken the time to go out and gather herbs lately and hadn’t done much work in the apothecary, Victoria hadn’t made any move to show any displeasure at my company and the added work necessary to feed and give room for me.  I felt immensely grateful to her for it, but I began to wonder how I could ever repay her for the kindness.  Well one thing for sure was to make it so that the man she wanted to marry would no longer have any more reservations about asking for her hand in marriage.  So that meant doing more work on the Man Cave today.

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