Chapter 3: The Gunmen

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Whits POV

I sighed as I heard from my Uncle that all the targets that the hooded villegantie had targeted where getting killed off. I walked with my Uncle to the police station to get his word on the case or rather the gun man. 

"Whitney, you shouldn't be here. Anyway what are you doing here?" Quin asked me. 

"I'm here to find a story on the other shooter. Who I think it is someone else." I said firmly. But then Quin turned to face me. "We don't know that and as for your story  you can say that all the people who are getting shot all have one thing in common.  They are all high CEOs who have put a bid into a stock or rather a big investment. Walter CEO of of Queen industries or rather Oliver's step father is in for a bid. I'm going to go over there to have a talk with him. Want to come along as a helper?" Uncle asked me. I shrugged and thought why not. I grapped my little notebook and a pen to jot down notes. I made a promise to my uncle that I wouldn't tell my work about the people who might be involved in the killing of these men.

 We arrived at the Queen mansion. I got out and looked around the grounds. I knew it had been ages since I've seen there. I saw a flashback to when I was little with Serah and Dinah playing with Oliver and Tommy and Olivers little sister Thea. I smiled as I walked with my Uncle inside. I saw Mrs. Queen and she gave me a double take. "Mr. Lance, is this little Whitney?" she ased Quin. Who just nodded and asked Walter if he wanted to speak alone. 

"Its nice to  see you again Mrs. Queen. It has been awhile." I said smiling as she hugged me. "Yes and I am sorry for your lost of your sister. I know you must blame me or my family for what just happened." Mrs. Queen said as she put her hands in front of her. "I did but I know now that it wasn't your fault and it wasn't Serah's either. She made her choice to go on that ship with Oliver. Speaking of which where is he?" I asked.

"He said he had some business to do with his new club he was starting to work on. But he should be home soon." Mrs. Queen said as a young pretty girl came down the stairs. "Hey Mom, I'm going to the mall. Who is this?" She asked. I smiled and shook my head as I recongized her as Thea Queen or Olivers little sister.  "You dont remember me Speedy?" I said teasing. "Whit? Oh wow you look different! Where have you been the past couple years." Thea said with a smile. "Ohh I've been going to school in Metoropolis and working as a journalist. Don't worry I wont say anything about the shootings and your husbands involvment." I quickly said as I saw the worry look in Mrs. Queens eyes. 

  We went to joined my Uncle who was talking to eachother. I sat down next to him and listened as I jot down notes. Then I heard a door open up I looked over my shoulder to see Oliver coming in with his Body guard. I felt my heart in the throat as I saw him. I was still kinda embarressed the fact that I did punched Olivers face. 

"Ohh Mr. Lance and Miss Lance, it is good to see you. What brings you here?" Oliver asked. "Your stepfather may be targeted by a vilgilante who is killing off bidsmen for this big project." Quin said as he looked at Walter. "Ahh I see, Mrs. Whit Lance may I talk to you over here for a moment?" Oliver asked me. I was shocked but i nodded as I got up and went over to talk to Oliver. 

"So Whit how you been?" Oliver asked me. "Fine, just seeing how you and your family is doing. I heard that hooded guy might be coming after your stepfather." I said with a smile. "Ahh right. I heard that you are working for the paper. How is that coming along?" Oliver asked me with a soft smile. 

"It has been doing good, I got a great bonus from my story about the vilgantie. But right now I'm looking for something else to write about." I said smiling. "Really? I hope you are not going to write something about my family may be targeted." Oliver said. 

"Noo I promised your sister and mother that I wouldnt do such a thing." I said as I glanced at Walter and Anne. "So how long they have been together?" I asked Oliver. "For awhile, sometime after me and my father got killed. He did work for my fathers company for awhile. But I guess he helped my mother got out of her grief after loosing me and my dad. He seems like a good guy." Oilver said as he looked at Walter then at me. 

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