Dear Diary

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"Hey Walls, I think I'm sick. Just wanted to let you know in case you would worry." Dick sniffled while he spoke to Wally.

"Really? Aw man.. I really wanted to play with ya today." he whined while he flopped on his bed. Dick smiled fondly at the other while he pouted.

"Don't be so sad, I just need a little rest then we can go back to whatever. Is that cool?" Dick was virtually giving him a pat on his back.

"Yeah, I guess so.. I just really miss you UGH!" Dick laughed a little since Wally was finally getting comfy with him, and he was starting to feel the same.

"Well, you and I can always just call the whole day. It's not like I have anything else to do." Dick tried to make Wally feel better and less lonely.

"Hm, sounds nice. But don't you have to rest?" Wally worried for him while Dick just chuckled in response.

"Like I said, you shouldn't worry. I'm strong, you know?" he replied with a raspy voice due to his sore throat.

"Yeah but I really feel bad.." Dick looked at him for a second then responded.

"You don't have to, I'd prefer it if you were here." Dick said in a happier voice.

"What about Barbara? Isn't she your best friend?" Wally was sorta jealous but couldn't say anything.

"Yes, buuut she's spending time with her father. You know, it being a Sunday." he groaned.

"Hm, I see. I'm glad that I'm the first one that came to mind." Wally smiled sweetly.

Dick just laughed at Wally's little soliloquy and blushed.

"So, you up for it or what?" Wally nodded joyfully before he sat up.


"Dear Diary.." he made a silly smile and opened his notebook.

Wally began drawing as per usual. He put a smiling bird looking at a phone.
'Dick was sick today and he wanted to speak to me'

Next to that, there was a music note and a dancing bird with a dancing boy.
'We danced to some really nice music that he liked'

Beneath the two drawings was a bird in bed with a huge grin.
'He didn't look so good today, but it was still so fun!!'

Right there, there was a picture of a happy boy.
'I hope he feels better soon..'

Then there was a dancing girl with the other two.
'Maybe Barbara can join us! Even though I'd like it better if it was just him and me..'

He finished with a few details and closed it shut. He closed the lights and turned on a lamp. He taped a new picture on the wall of him with Dick on the phone, both were grinning.

The End 🐼📞🤍

Author's Note: Each one of these diary entries are weeks apart, so these are mostly to track their friendship's progress. Wally is a completely in love and doesn't really hide it, he just doesn't say it out loud. Dick on the other hand, he's just Dick.

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