Adopting a Cat

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"The poor thing, I should probably treat her wounds.." Wally spoke to himself as he cradled the kitten in his arms. It was soft and it had black fur, it seems those superstitious little boys kicked another black cat, again...

"Oh, I hate superstitions!" he frowned while he stroked the cat's ears. He called Dick ages ago and was waiting for him at a bus stop. He didn't want to get him or the baby in his arms sick, but the rain was pouring terribly. So, like any rational person, he decided to call someone to help.

"Hey, what was so urgent?" Dick panted until he noticed the kitten in Wally's arms.

"Oh dear.." he slowly walked towards him and bent down, handing the umbrella to Wally and wrapped his coat around him.

"Where is she injured?" Dick asked while Wally pointed at the kitten's paw.

"Just a small bruise. Other than that, I think she's okay." the kitten began whimpering with soft meows.

"She's so adorable.. Let's take her to our apartment, hm?" Robin took the kitten in his arms while Wally got up and held the umbrella.

"Sure thing. We should bring her to a vet though." he smiled before giving the kitten a kiss on her forehead.

"Yeah, I saw one on the way here but it's pretty far.." Dick whispered while he rubbed the kitten's chin.

"Well, we should go quickly." they began walking while Dick tried to figure out where it was.

[After a short trip to the vet]

"I'm glad she isn't hurt badly." Dick held the kitten's paw which was bandaged with a pretty pink sticker.

"The vet was pretty nice too." Wally held Dick's hand while they headed to their apartment.

"You think we should adopt her?" Dick stared at the kitten while she rubbed her head against Dick's chin.

"She seems to like you. Plus, I'm willing to do anything with you." Wally chuckled before he gripped on to Dick's hand a little more.

"Heh, you're such an idiot. But yeah, I think we should keep her." Dick rested his cheek on the kitten.

"Yeah, sounds nice." Wally imagined all the things he would do with the kitten.

"I guess I should think of a name.." Dick thought while he let go of Wally's hand.

"Let's talk about that when we get home." Wally took Dick's hand yet again and pulled him happily.

"Slow down! Remember that we still have a hurt kitten!" Dick laughed while he rocked the kitten in his arms.

"Sure, let's just keep going!" Wally slowed down while he and Dick giggled. The kitten was happily meowing with them.

The End 🐈‍⬛🎵💭

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