Past I

18 4 2

10 years ago

March 3rd, 3074




*elevator opening*


*elevator closing*


"I put my card back in my pocket and looked around. Apparently Emilie hadn't followed me in. At that point, I wasn't panicking yet. I just figured I'd get back down. So I went back to the floor I figured she was still on and got out. But she wasn't there."


"I called our dad–my mom had given me her phone in case of emergencies. I told them I had lost her. They arrived on the floor I was on, and we walked around the building, looking for her. We called the police after checking everywhere we possibly could. They asked her name and called for her, sent a whole signal through the building, but..."

"There was no answer. Nothing. Just..."


"Thank you for this information, Liam."

*chairs shifting*

"Wait! Can't you find her? Is she home yet? Please, how–"

*door slamming*

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