March 3, 3084 II

14 3 0

2:42 PM




*sharp inhale*

"She healthy, or what?"


Amber glared at him. He rolled his eyes.

"Healthy. Her blood pressure's high, but–"

"I don't need to know all the detail crap." Amber interrupted. "Just make sure she's healthy, Luke."

"I'm not lower than you," he snapped. "And just because Carter's out, doesn't mean I asked for him to shove his job in my face."

I stood still. Luke glanced at me.

"Why do you have to keep giving her bruises, Amber? It gives me more work."

Amber scowled. "Don't criticize me. I thought Carter would be here. He usually takes over Bennett's job when he's out. And anyway, you know you're happy with the results."

He threw his arms in the air. "Do I look happy?"

She huffed and turned away. "Anyway. Where's Everest? She should be here by now."

"You sound like an idiot talking through a once-sensible person's body. Oh, wait, you–"

She glared at him. "I wasn't hired by a professional kidnapper for nothing! You got your position because you're his nephew." Under her breath, she added, "you're lucky the bond is keeping me from killing you right now because–"

"Well, you're lucky–"

"I'm here, I'm here. Geez, guys. Can't you keep your mouths shut from snapping at each other for once? That would save the rest of us an ear sore." Everest stalked in, her arms crossed over her chest. "What's the problem?"

Luke grunted a hello and cleared his throat. "She has higher blood pressure than the others. She's beyond scared."

"So...?" Everest prompted.

"In some way, Emilie's different than the others."

"Oh, really? What, you're in love with her or something?" Amber asked dismissively, picking at her nails. "Her smile makes your heart light up with joy and–"

"The heck, Amber. No."

*exasperated sigh*

"My point is that the others are mainly scared of us."

"Yeah, and?"

Luke was fuming. Cartoon steam was practically shooting out of his ears.

"AND–" At that moment,

Carter walked in. "What's going–" Everest rolled her eyes and turned away.

Luke lunged for him. "I'M GOING TO STRANGLE YOU!" Luckily, Amber caught him and threw her soulmate to the ground. Her touch always had a calming effect on Luke, and he stopped, breathing heavily. Carter looked amused. "Sorry, buddy, I was just out for a sec." Amber, still pinning Luke down, glared up at Carter. "He isn't the only one who wants to kill you for giving him Bennett's job."

"Like you said, it's Bennett's job." Carter shrugged. "Take it up with him if you have problems. Anyway, you know what he's doing."

I had heard about Bennett, but he never came to meetings and I've never seen him in my whole ten years or so of being here.

*door shutting*

Carter's left.

Amber let Luke up. He glared at her and muttered, "You should've let me strangle him," under his breath. She glanced at him and then turned to me. "Say something."

I blinked at her, my eyes wide. Some natural fear brought back fresh memories of her that weren't all too pleasant.

She looked to Luke for help and he knelt down to meet my eyes.

I stared back.


He sighed and ran his hand through his thick, brown hair. While he did so, I noticed Amber's eyes darted toward him for a split second, then refocused on me.

"Just say something, okay?"

"No." I snapped.

Amber laughed. "She said something."

Luke frowned and looked at me closely. "Do you even understand me?" Amber bit her lip to keep from bursting out in laughter.

"I've spoken to you in English since we were ten, just answered your question, and answered you in English. Obviously I don't know how to understand you." I stated sarcastically.

Amber laughed. "That's the spirit." Luke glared at her.

"You're encouraging this?" He gaped at her and she smirked.

"At least I'm doing something."

"I'm living! I'm breathing! I'm talking! What more do you want from me?" Yeah, most of their squabbles were pointless. Amber ignored him and turned back to me.

"Do you feel healthy?"

I stared back at her. I don't answer. She rolled her eyes. It seems to be a habit of her and Lukes.

"Run the stupid tests," she waved her hand nonchanantly as she stalked out of the room. "And make sure Bennett's here next time."

The others left the room and I was once again alone.


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