~ Feathered Drama ~

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[Outside in the courtyard, day time. Oliver and Aurora appear, carrying a trunk. They put it down.]

Oliver: Quidditch is easy enough to understand. Each time has seven players, 3 chasers, 2 beaters, 1 keeper and a seeker. That's you. There are three kinds of balls. [picks up a red one] This one's called the Quaffle. Now, the chasers handle the Quaffle and try to put it through one of those three hoops. [Points to the hoops in the Quidditch pitch in the distance.] The keeper, that's me, defends the hoops. [throws ball to Aurora.] With me so far?

"I didn't understand anything he was saying." Aurora says while blushing. 

Theo coos at her adorableness.

Aurora: [throws back] I think so. What are those? [points to two squirming chained down balls.]

Oliver: You better take this. [hands Aurora a small bat. He bends down and releases one ball. With an angry growl, it flies off into the air. The girl and boy watch it.] Careful now, it's comin' back. [The balls comes whizzing down, and Aurora cracks at it with the bat. The ball soars off through a statue, surprisingly without damaging it.] Eh, not bad, Potter, you'd make a fair beater... Uh-oh. [The ball zooms down, and Oliver grabs it, wriggling to get it back in the box. He succeeds and is out of breath.]

"That was hot." Some girls say.

Aurora: What is that?

Oliver: Bludger. Nasty little buggers. But you are the seeker, and the only thing I want you to worry about is this... the Golden Snitch. [hands Aurora a walnut sized golden ball.]

Aurora: I like this ball.

"Thats what she said!" Blaise says, although everyone heard him, which is not what he wanted to happen.

Aurora gets up and walks over to Blaise, and then begins to scold him for saying that around the younger kids.

Blaise looks scared and just keeps nodding at her.

Once Aurora was finished, she walked back over to Theodore and sat in his lap and got comfortable.

The movie then once again began to play.

Oliver: Ah, you like it now. Just wait. It's wicked fast and damn near impossible to see.

Aurora: What do I do with it?

Oliver: You catch it... before the other team's seeker. You catch this, the game is over. You catch this, Potter, and we win.

[The ball flutters out two delicate wings and jumps into the air. Harry keeps an eye on it.]

Aurora: Whoa.

[In Professor Flitwick's class. Filtwick is very short, and is standing on a bunch of books to make up for his stature and to see his class.]

Flitwick: One of a wizard's most rudimentary skills is levitation the ability to make objects fly. Uh, do you all have your feathers? [Hermione raises hers.] Good. Now, uh, don't forget the nice wrist movement we've been practicing, hmm? The swish and flick. Everyone.

All (including Flitwick): The swish and flick.

Flitwick: Good. And enunciate. Wingardium Leviosa. Off you go then.

[The class begin to enunciate and doing the movements on their feathers]

Draco: Wingardium Levio-saaa.

Ron: Wingardrium Leviosar! [he waves his wand really fast numerous times. Hermione stops him.]

Hermione: Stop, stop, stop. You're going to take someone's eye out. Besides, you're saying it wrong. It's Levi-o-sa, not Leviosar.

Ron: You do it then if you're so clever. Go on, go on.

[Hermione straightens up and swishes her wand.]

Hermione: Wingardium Leviosa. [The feather glows and lifts up.]

"Oh no!" Ron says, while looking at his mother scared. 

He looks towards Hermione apologetically but she smiles at him and blushes while looking away.

Flitwick: Oh, well done! See here, everyone! Ms. Granger's done it! Oh, splendid!

[Ron puts his head on his books dejectedly. Seamus begins swishing at his feather.]

Seamus: Wingard Levosa.

Flitwick: Well done, dear.

[An almighty explosion flashes. Flitwick gasps, as Ron and Hermione turn to the source of the explosion]

Flitwick: Whooaaa! Ooh.

[We see that Seamus is charred again with his feather, now smoldering to ashes.]

Aurora: I think we're going to need another feather over here, Professor. [Aurora glares at Seamus]

[Neville, Aurora, Ron and Seamus are walking through a courtyard with other students all around.]

Ron: [mimicking Hermione] It's Levioooosa, not Leviosaaaar. [normal voice] She's a nightmare, honestly. No wonder she hasn't got any friends!

"RONALD WEASLEY! HOW DARE YOU-" Molly begins to screech, but Arthur shuts her up.

"Molly shut up. We get it was wrong and I'm sure he apologized but he was eleven for merlins sake." 

[Hermione rushes past Ron, hugging her books and sniffling in tears.]

Aurora: Ron! You can't say things like that! Besides, she is my friend!

[Aurora runs off after Hermione]

[Hermione disappears into the crowd, deeply hurt by Ron's words.]

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2022 ⏰

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