Chapter 5

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"Im sooooo boreeeed" Kate whined. "Hmmm what should we do" i thought while rubbing my chin. That resulted in us bursting out laughing. "Oh i know lets prank call people",i said with a mischevious look. I took out my phone as did Kate. "So who should we prank call?' I asked.

"How about lover boy'? She asked with a smirk. "Yesss 'i squealled like a fangirl. I dialled his number which kate gave me. It took awhile for him to pick up but he eventually did. I cleared my throat "hellooo sir there has been a complane that you are looking to Sexy today" i said in a low man voice. "" he stuttered. "Sir im sorry but there is only one way for us to not press charges, you have to stop looking so god dam sexy" A/N like always) "sir eh, i..but we cut him off again. "Sir stop stuttering and get to it, hav a lovely day sir. And we hung up. Well then you guessed it we bursted out laughing like hyenas. "Hmm who should we call now? Kate asked. Oh lets do Lou" she said.He picked up straight away and this is how the call went.

Kim/kate-is this louis the tommo tomlinson?
Louis-Yes who is this?
Kim/kate-Louis its the president from stytomhorpayck and we would like to inform you that our country is in need of your help.
Louis-em..why is that?
Kim/kate-because...oh god this is hard...CARROTS ARE EXSTINCT!!!!(Fake cry)
Kim/kate-By running around naked and screaming willy wonka is on the loose and get your friend to record it. Its the only way im afraid.
Louis-If it saves my babies ill do it.
Kim/kate-thank you for your time sir.
Call Ended.

And we laughed and laughed and laughed and well..we laughed. "That was a good one" i said still laughing.

Yeah ikr" she said. After that we just ended up watching 'The big bang theory'. My phone suddenly buzzed. It was a twitter notification. I opened it up to see that Harry put something up. @harry_styles

Just got the most weirdest call and i dont know what to think?. Am i sexy guys?;)

I think Kate saw it too coz we both looked at eachother and bursted out laughing.when we were finished my phone buzzed again.

@louis_tomlinson Haz you will alwayz be sexy to me;)lol

We had to laugh at that one though.We fell asleep shortly after that. When i woke up my phone buzzed AGAIN. Niall put a video up. Hmm i wonder what it was i clicked on it and I Nearly died of laughter. The video was louis running around NAKED;) shouting WILLY WONKAS ON THE LOOSE!!! I woke Kate up to watch it. She had to go to the bathroom she laughed that much. I got a new message hmm i wonder who that is. I saw the Name ezziehoran;) i totally forgot were hanging out today woops;)


Heeey gurll;)hope you didnt forget me but were sooo hanging today and bring peepz too;)xx

I replied straight away.


Heeyyy i most certainly did not. How could you think that;)and suree il bring kate;)xx

She replied simply.ezziehoran

Sureee she got SWAG!!!;)xx

"Kateee were going out today!! I sing songed. I heard her say something but i came out as ffbfnndndnjdhdn so i asked again. "Where are we going?'she asked more clearly. Oh were meeting Erin at Nandos,btw she said you got swag'i smirked. 'I think i like this girl already";). We got ready within 15 minutes and headed to Nandos. When we got there i spotted Erin in the back. She waved and we greeted eachother with hugs and i introduced her to Kate. "So..... i tryed to make conversation...ehm..hyl gurlls?

We all laughed at that but Erin screamed NIAll!! Jeez woman calm the tits i said all ghetto like. I looked at Kate who hesitated before muttering" Zayn"quietly. Awww you and him are sooo cute together i gushed. Oh look whos talking, i know your hopelessly in love with Harry. She squeled. I confidentaly agreed. We all looked at eachother while screaming Tripple Weddings!!!! Everyone looked at us like we were crazy. Well bitches guess what i dont give 2 fucks what you think im just having a good time with my friends. We chatted for ages about the boys and stuff like that when we heard the door open. We saw 5 familiar boys come in looking FINEEE AS WINEE' we all looked shocked and suddenly we all grabbed a newspaper to cover our faces. Just our luck they picked a booth beside us .at least we could eavesdrop on them hehehe;)...i heard Louis ask Harry hows his love life? My face dropped but then i smiled when i heard Harrys reply. "Lou i really like ehm..Kim.

A/N ERMAGHAD...Harry likes Kim!!! Hope you liked this chapter coz i loved writing it;) Vote,comment plz;)"

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