Chapter Four

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That night I removed all of my personal belongings from my desk. You see, after about two hours of pleading and around a thousand puppy dog faces later, I was now quitting my job at Universal and re-joining the guys but this time as a roadie… full-time.

I was still worried about how Matt was going to react but they guys had promised me that they would handle him for me.

So there I was, arriving at the arena the next evening. As I got out of the car I was met by Brian, Zacky, Johnny and some other random guy.

“Hey Natalie.”

“Yo what up Brian?”

“You got your suitcase with you?”

“My name’s not Johnny, I can remember my suitcase.”

“That was ONE time okay?”

I giggled and gave Johnny a hug.

“Aw, Mr. Gnome feeling embarrassed in front of the new roadie kid?”

The guys bust up laughing when I said this for some reason. It wasn’t until I really looked at the other guy that I realized my mistake.

“Oh crap, sorry. You must be Arin Ilejay.”

“Yeah, and you are?”

“Natalie Hunter.”

“This is Sneakers?”

The guys nodded at him and I blushed, great, just what I needed, another reminder of my past.

“The one and only.”

“I like her, I don’t get what Matt’s problem is?”

I felt my cheeks burning up and I bit down on my lip hard to stop from crying. That confirmed my suspicions, I had hurt Matt and now he hated me.

“Arin, too far man, too far.”

“Sorry Natalie.”

“It’s cool Arin, by the way, you gotta have a nickname if you’re part of the family.”

“I’m scared.”

“So you should be man.” Zacky told him, patting him on the back.

Everyone was almost leaning in to hear what I would come up with but then I noticed his hair for the first time, how I missed it I don’t know, and I made my decision.


All four of them winced as soon as the painfully loud yell left my lips.

“Sorry.” That one was in a whisper.

“You’re good Sneakers and I like it, Arin, from now on you shall be known as Goldilocks.”

“Ah, come on! Everyone else has cool names, Goldilocks is NOT cool guys.”

“You’ll get over it… Goldilocks.”

Last Train Home (Sequel to LOAA) (M. Shadows)Where stories live. Discover now