Chapter 18

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Ky's POV.

I woke up looking at the clock, it read 5:15 so I quickly got up doing my morning routine.

I walked into the shower instantly feeling the warm water hit the side of my body. I moaned at how good it felt against my sore and abused body. I will never allow another soul to treat me that way again. From now it's healing and perseverance, if I can't trust the ones dearest to me then I can't trust a soul but myself.

I let my traumas and past wash away as if the water was not only cleansing my body but my soul and mind as well.

As I stepped out I thought about taking a pill but fought the urge to do so, today is day 6 of being clean and I'm not going backwards.

After finishing doing my hair and getting dressed in an all grey Nike tech, I lit the pre roll I got from the plug last night and went on to grab my bags.

I had the weapons Valenci gave me shipped to my condo in Topanga since I knew I couldn't bring it to the airport with me. I felt uneasy about being unprotected but quickly brushed off the feeling.

I walked to the door but before opening it I looked around at my empty apartment, reminiscing on all of the good times I had with Jay and my best friends.

I envisioned us all sitting on the black couch that was no longer there. I remembered placing Jay on the counter and kissing her. I remembered Dee choking me out on the living room floor.

I quickly turned around, locking the door behind me.

Goodbye Jersey.

My driver was outside as anticipated.
I quickly got in, shutting the door next to me.
I spent the entire ride staring out of the window until I remembered the J I had tucked behind my ear. I quickly took it out, rolling down the window as I searched for a lighter.
I lit it up and inhaled deeply. Exhaling as if I had been holding the breath for ages.

We finally arrived at the airport and I saw Valenci at the front waiting upon my arrival.
I got out as the driver went to retrieve my bags.
Once I got them we walked in. It was 6:25 and my flight was leaving at 7.

"Goodmorning boss, my name is Ricardo Venezuela from this day out and as you've seen on your passport, your name is now Renae linardo" he said.

"Did you memorize the birth date" I looked at him dumbfounded as if I haven't been in the game for years already.

"Right" he chuckled.

"Goodmorning to you too, Ricardo" I gave a small smile.

We walked to our gate, getting on first of course. First class or no class. We took our seats and settled in. This was going to be a long flight.

Several hours later..

"Hello passengers, we have arrived in Los Angeles California, please wait until the plane has completely stopped to take off your seatbelts and await the crew for instructions on when you can safely get out of your seats" the pilot said through the microphone.

I was eager to get out of this seat. Even though this wasn't my first time in LA, it was my first time here not on business. I will be living here, the city of angels, where dreams come true. Maybe I can finally get out of the game and become someone that is true to myself.

After waiting what felt like forever. The crew told us we could exit the plane. I got my carry ons and walked off the plane, Valencio behind me. Or should I say Ricardo.

We walked to the bag checking and awaited our other bags. After getting our bags, we went outside walking towards the black limousine that awaited us.

The driver put our bags in the trunk as we got in the car.

"Should we make a toast boss" he said picking up the Champagne and a glass from the side of the limousine.

"To what Ricardo" I smiled, getting a glass of my own.

"To a new start" he said filling up his glass, then mine.

"Cheers to that" I grinned widely, sipping on the golden liquid.

Cheers to that. I said in my head causing me to smile wide to myself.

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