Chapter 11 - The Eventful Carriage Ride

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So I wrote this on a plane and I was really tired and kinda annoyed cause this kid kept hitting my seat. I was sat next to a baby but she was really cute and didn't cry much. Except for the fact that she rubbed her spit coated pacifier all over the place. Then put it back in her mouth. Sanitary much? Hope you like it, I'll probably have multiple chapters ready cause I've got three hours to kill and no yarn. -_-
Lily's POV
I stepped off the train, gripping my trunk in one hand and Shadow's cage in the other. She hooted softly at me, ruffling the dark feathers on her wings.

"I know. I know. It's just I've been so busy with school, and well.. now it's just me back at the house I haven't had much time. Tell you what. I'll make sure that the house elves give you two treats every other day, the apple ones."
I said to my owl. She hooted once more, this time much happier.

Realizing that my friends were just standing there waiting I blushed a deep shade of crimson and followed Marlene. We piled into one of the carriages, making small talk about the 'dateable' boys, holidays, and just enjoying seeing each other again.

No sooner than when we had crossed Justin Diggory, a boy in our year and the younger brother of Amos Diggory, off the unattractive list and moved him because loosing the braces helped, the carriage door swung open once more.

"Why hello there ladies, mind if we join you?" Potter and Black stood in the doorframe, identical half grin smirk things on their faces. Behind them I spotted Remus, chuckling at his friends. Peter stood there at his side awkwardly because he's Peter and Peter is awkward.

"Well, you're not going to take no for an answer so to make this easier, come on in." I respond.

They slid into the empty seats across from us. Potter rests his elbows on his knees, leaning forward with an excited look in his eyes. "We have a proposition. A game of..." He whispers, then taking a dramatic pause finishes."Truth or dare."

Mary fakes a faint, Alice screams, Juniper gasps, Marlene falls of her seat, and I shout 'WHYYYYY?!'

They file out, and leaning back in Potter says "The common room. Midnight. Or else."

The door swings shut and after a couple moments the carriage takes off.

I turn to stare at Mary. "That was dramatic.". Laughing, she nods her head.

"So, Marls. Are you and Sirius even together together?" I question, returning to my seat.

She flinches. "Yes, err n-no? Oh I don't know! But we definitely aren't on the best terms." She sniffles. "And it's all because of me!"

"Oh, Mar! What happened?" Alice exclaims. One look is all it takes to know that she's heartbroken.

"W-well. When I left to go see him, he was talking to Amelia Bones. I didn't think much of it at first, he sometimes gives girls advice and stuff to get guys to like them, but I waited outside for a couple minutes. Then, she started to get a bit closer...And I went in and I just got really angry. Cause I thought, I thought he was cheating. And she left. I started yelling at him. I told him what I thought, and I was just so upset. And after me going all crazy he says 'I was going to give her a hug! Her boyfriend broke up with her! He was really mean about it too. I would never cheat on you! So what that I've been mean to girls in the past. I care about you! If you can't trust me to be within a foot of another girl then..' And I said 'Then what?!' And he looked at me and...he said 'then we won't work.'" She sobbed. "And then I went and talked to Amelia, and she said that he was giving her some advice, and that her boyfriend did break up with her. She apologized for making it seem like that, she would never like Sirius. Feeling bad I went to go talk to him. I apologized, and he said he forgives me but right now he j-just wants to.... Be friends."

"Oh Marls! He may be a player but he would never cheat on anyone. Amelia really is getting over her boyfriend. He dumped her for a part-veela and called her a bunch of names. Do you still want to go tonight?" I give her a hug.

"Yes. I want to show him that I'm okay."

"I think this calls for Code DTI."

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