8-{The Worst Day!😢}

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Third Person's Pov

Arshita stood at her place because shock would've been an understatement after she had seen the person in front of her! They hadn't met since almost 7-8 years!

"Arshu!" The person said with a small smile and Arshita let out a deep sigh as she closed her eyes trying to keep her calm as she said in a straight tone, "It's Arshita Oberoi for you! I hadn't expected to meet you again, ever Ms.Kapoor"

"I'm seeing you after almost eight years and you can't even call me mom?" the lady asked and Arshita scoffed letting out a dry chuckle as she said, "Ohh, I guess you'd lost that right eight years ago only"

"Arshu please just -" Her mom was saying but Arshita spoke up in between again saying, "It's Arshita! And why are you even here? This was supposed to be a business meeting? What the hell are you doing here?"

"I knew it! Mujhe pata tha tum aise react krogi, so this was only way I could atleast get to see you" her mom said and Arshita just looked down trying to control the urge to relieve her anguish! Seeing her mom had bought back many memories and that made her miss her dad even more because she had almost lost the hope of ever finding him again. As if the world didn't want them to meet ever.

"Then I guess I don't have anything else to say, and please don't you ever come in front of me again. I hate you. No wait... I don't even hate you, because that's also an emotion, and I... I don't feel anything for you at all!" Arshita said in a cold tone and then turned to leave while her mother couldn't speak up another word.

Arshita was walking out furiously trying to calm the spree of thoughts that was almost bursting up inside her head when she bumped into someone and her purse flew out making her things scatter around.

Arshita just groaned in irritation as she sat down to pick up her things when the guy also sat to help her out, "I'm so sorry... I was in a hurr-" the guy was saying but stopped as soon as he looked at her and she also looked up to find Abhishek.

Arshita stopped picking up her things as she rolled her eyes and said while sighing, "Wow! It's you. As if I wasn't having a bad enough day"

"It wasn't intentional" Abhishek said as he handed her things to her and Arshita scoffed as she said, "Yeah right! It's never intentional, you're never at mistake, everything happens on it's own right"

"Look I'm not in the mood to fight right now! But are you okay? You seemed to be all over the place earlier, it's unlikely of you to be so lost" Abhishek said and Arshita looked at him for a moment as she said in a straight tone, "Now you're worried for me? Look you don't have to play this act in front of me, be as who you are"

"I was just asking! You won't ever let this thing go right? Do you really hold grudges for that long?" Abhishek asked her making a face and Arshita gave him a nod with a straight face saying, "Yeah, well it's better to hold onto grudges rather than holding onto people! It's hurts less, I'd learnt that lesson a few years ago"

"Okay! Why am I even trying!! It's just hopeless with you, kabhi kabhi log bina kisi reason ke generous ho skte hai, but you won't understand that because you're emotionless!" Abhishek said and Arshita nodded her head furiously saying, "Oh yeah well you're the second person today I don't wanna have any emotions for. You guys are seriously sick, why does someone even barge into someone's life like that whenever the hell they want and then fucking leave suddenly like nothing ever happened! Why am I the only one who have to bear with people like these? Why am I the one who has to get hurt everytime? Why am I the one who shouldn't hold a grudge and move on! And what.....being generous....Agar tum itne hi generous hote na Mr.Abhishek Sharma, toh hum dono iss situation me nhi hote! And you know what.... You're no one to be generous to me, so don't you ever dare show that you're worried for me even for a second, and here's another small advice for you.....maybe you should start looking out for yourself..... Who knows what would happen someday soon and you might be heartbroken and in need for someone to be generous for you! GOT IT!" Arshita said letting out a deep breathe as she stopped speaking, as she had let all her anger out on him which she had been feeling after seeing her mother!

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