Truth or dare

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Tw: mentions of hydra/child hood abandonment/abuse
Ships: winter-spider
Relationships: mama spider
Other info: for the years Bucky and Steve have been awake there 27/ peters 22 and goes to an online college

Peters pov:
"Mr Parker, Mr Stark has requested you down in the common room," Fridays voice called through my lab.

"I'll be there in a minute fri," I called back knowing that she would tell Mr Stark. I've been in my lab a lot recently but no one other than мама паук and Bucky have asked me why and mama паук was the only one to get an answer.

She is also the only one who knows me and Bucky are dating, and the only one to know may isn't my biological ant rather adopted... But I'm sure it'll get out at some point but I'm not ready for people to know and James and Nat respects that.

It took me the whole of 5 minutes to take the lift to the right floor and walk to the common room. I walked in and everyone was round the coffee table, shit!

It's game night... and it's my turn to choose. Well let's try, I've not got any bored games, video games are Clint's thing, spin the bottles a no. Truth or dare it is then!

"-er? Peter? Hello?" Tony was by me waving a hand in front of my face "there you are! You got something to play?"

"I thought we could maby do truth or dare?" I asked trying to sound inshore but over all just hopeful they won't be disappointed in the simplicity. "We haven't played it before and it won't cause much mess."

"GOOD IDEA SON OF SPIDER! IT SOUNDS A MAGNIFICENT GAME!" Forgot Thor was here, that'll mean Loki's here. That means Loki's here, we'll someone's getting stabbed before we finish the game.

Me and Tony sad down next to each other, him beside Bruce and me beside Nat. "Well who's starting?"

3rd pov

The game had been going fine just a few silly dares and thoughtless truths but then Peter was asked a question by Steve.

"How are you and you're ant related? I don't mean to sound rude you just look nothing like each other and I was curious."

"Mama паук я должен ответить?" (Mama spider do I have to answer?) Peter asked.

"только если захочешь конфетка а там в конце концов узнаешь" (only if you want to sweetie but there going to find out eventually) nat replied sounding the most worked anyone had seen her.

"My ant isn't actually related to me," Peter spoke back in English, "I was abandoned as a baby and once I was found she and Ben adopted me."

"I'm sorry" Peter said "I know it's unfair for me to keep secrets despite knowing a lot about all of you I just... I don't know. It never really crossed my mind to tell you."

"It's ok," tony stepped in knowing he spoke for the group "you know you won't be purposely hurt or left out here, now lest continue the game."

Everything was fine again until it was Perios turn. He asked Peter, who once agen chose truth. "If you don't want to answer that's completely responsible but you said you're ant and uncle adopted you once you had been found, what do you mean by that? Where you not at an orphanage before hand?" It was obvious to anyone who was looking that the question made peter uncomfortable but being the angel he is he answers anyway.

    "I don't know the reason for why my parents left me but instead of handing me over to authority's they just sorta left me in an alleyway for me to survive by myself but someone took me a week or so later. The person happened to work for hydra so from aged 2 1/2-12 ish I was with hydra know as the winter spider." Everyone except Bucky and Natasha looked at peter in disbelief.

   "So I take it the radioactive spider story was rubbish then?" Steve spoke getting over the overwhelming wave of shock that came over him after finding out anyone could do things like that to such a young child.

    "Not exactly, it was a radioactive spider that gave me my powers along with a lode of other drugs and things but I got that at 4-5 and they did it very much on purpose. I was one of several experiments and the only one who made it through the testing." This again made people quiet with shock.

   Peter who decided if they where keying the cat out the bag today it was going fully got up sat between Natasha and Bucky rather than her and Tony and let his head rest on his boyfriends shoulder.

     "Peter?" tony asked feeling unsure of himself "can we know what they did to you? What they made you do?"

   Peter went from where he was siting quite comfortably to the fatal position for .5 seconds before running off before anyone had the chance to follow him

    No one saw him leave, they just know he was there one second and then he was gone.

   "Hey fri where'd Peter go?" Tony asked voice laced with worry confused by the boys Auden run away.

   "Mr Parker has requested I not share suck information"

   "Shit, Friday overdrive code ————."

   "Overdrive code ———— has been temporarily disabled"

   "Dam it I think I know where he's gone," Bucky said surprising those around him (bar Natasha ofc), "don't follow me or he'll definitely not come out." And with that he walked (ran) away. The others where still in shocked silence by both the boys childhood and the sudden change of behaviour

Peters pov:
    I had ran into a hidden room in my lab, it was small with a wooden floor yellow patterned walls a white rug and a baby blue sofa. It was one of the most comfortable places in the tower and no one can convince me otherwise.

    *Knock knock* Really? The one place practically no one knows about and Bucky a just lead them right to me. Well to make a great day better I guess.


    "It's me," Bucky replied.

    "I know"

    "I just wanna talk, în orice limbă dacă chiar nu vrei să înțeleagă," (in any language if you really don't want them to understand) well at least he knows me and the rest of the team well enough to know that I wasn't talking about my problems in English, and as far as I know no one else speaks Romanian

   "bine, vorbește. " I let him in to sit next to me and shut the door (fine, talk)

   "e ok, nu le deranjează dacă ai o poveste nenorocită, nu le pasă dacă nu ești „normal", vor doar să te înțeleagă. vor să vorbești cu ei pentru a te cunoaște adevăratul tău și nu vor secrete, te iubesc" Bucky despite having a hole 3 minutes to come up with it knew exactly what to say he knew what I needed to hear and and said it and I am not ashamed to say I was comfortable and felt safer than ever cuddled into his chest sobbing. (It's ok, they don't mind if you have a fucked up back story they don't care if youre not 'normal' they just want to understand you. they want you to talk to them to get to know the real you and they dont want secrets, they love you)

   "mulțumesc," it was the only work I could think of that fit the moment. (Thank you)

3rd pov

Bucky re entered the living room with an almost sleeping Peter koala hugging him with no reason to move from the very comfortable position he was in.

After quick hellos everyone settled on the sofa and provided to watch a movie until the whole team was sleeping, saving the inevitable for another day.

A/N sorry for any and all language mistakes I used google translate for it all

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