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                          Alex's POV

Seeing Veronica on the field, made me crazy. I could feel her staring at me the whole time but my wolf lost it with her reaction when I removed my clothes. I lost control and he wanted nothing more than to mark her.

Derek, George and Viros stopped me before I could get near her and I am glad for it. I can't do this to her, at least not now, especially here. And I don't want the pack to find out about her being my mate, not in this way. But everyone was looking at her with confusion, they must be thinking how a human girl has such an effect on the Alpha. My wolf was out of control and I had to stop it. I pushed with all my strength my friends and let my wolf run to the forest so none gets hurts. I want to run and run to let my wolf break out.

                      Veronica's POV

- What happened there? Why Alex was looking at me like that?

I asked Amelia when we arrived home. I could say that she took her time to answer, she was thinking.

- Amelia, answer me.

- Sometime wolves lost control.

- And?

- And.....his wolf probably recognized a human among the pack so....he got alert, overprotected you know.

- So he saw me as an enemy?

- What? No. *sigh* you know what, asked him not me.

I just nobbed at her. She probably didn't want to talk about it, after all it's better to ask Alex.

- And what are we gonna do now?

I asked her curious and she looked at me with a smirk on her face.

- Movie time!

- Really now?

- Yesh my love!

                      After three hours

- Ameliiiaaaa, how many episodes are we gonna watch?

- Shhh, stop complaining all the time and relax.

- It's literally the 3rd episode, aren't you tired?

- Not at all, now shhhh.

I rolled my eyes in annoyance. We have been watching the new serious with zombie, all of us are dead. Don't get me wrong, I love movies and series but not horror, especially with zombies. I prayed for a miracle to happen, I can't watch it anymore.

Suddenly Amelia sighed and paused the TV. I looked at her in confusion, is my wish gonna come true?

- What is it?

- Alex's coming.

He is here? I didn't even heard a door opening. But Amelia was right because the door of my room opened in seconds and Alex appeared. He came inside but not looking at me. He probably thinks I am mad or angry. But I am not, just curious, I don't know what really happened and why did he behaved like that.

Amelia sighed and got up from the bed we were sitting.

- I am gonna leave you alone but I will be back soon, I wanna finish the episode.

She gave a death glare to Alex and she left, closing the door behind her. He sat beside me silently, still not looking at me. He looks tired but at the same time worried. I can say that something is bothering him.

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