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While On-jo was still crying, Cheong-San made a plan to leave.

"Open the door, just a few inches, enough for the hose to fit."

"Isn't it better to wait for the rescuers to come to save us?"

"We might all die by the time they arrive."

"Who knows if they'll even come?" Y/n was wiping blood off herself once more, after dealing with I-sak, she was sure On-jo would have a small hatred for her.

"Plus is waiting for someone the best we can do?"

"If I turn into a zombie... ugh you're mad."

Opening the door slightly, Cheong-San tried grabbing the hose they used earlier. Since his arm wasn't long enough he used a mannequin's arm.

"Help me make some knots, wrap it and tie it so a hand or foot can fit."

"Zigzag. Make it a zigzag. Big enough increments."

"Let's go."


"Gyeong-su, you go first."

"Why? Did you see something? What's down there?"

As Y/n watched the four argue about who goes first she walked over to Nam-ra, who was guarding the door.

"Go down soon, I'll hold the door." Giving the class president a small smile, she nodded toward the group huddled at the window.

"Ms. Park is there!"

Nodding, Nam-ra walked over while Y/n held the door. Person after person, the room emptied until it was down to two.

Cheong-San and Y/n.

"Go down, I'll meet you down there."

The door started rattling signaling that the zombies are about to enter.

"Just go Cheong-San, I'll hold them off, for now, so hurry."

Heart racing, he went, once he was down he looked up expecting to see you but his heart dropped as soon as he noticed you weren't there.


Once the door crashed open, zombies started flooding in, Y/n tried holding off for a while but there were too many.

Putting the knife between her lips she grabbed the hose and jumped out the window.

"Holy fuck."

At first, she expected to fly through another window, but seeing as she propped her feet up in time, she stood against the wall as zombies growled from above.

Hearing Y/n's 'holy fuck' Cheong-San looked out the window and saw Y/n laughing to herself.

Of course, it was muffled due to the knife between her lips but it was still heard nonetheless.

One zombie managed to jump out the window and leach onto her leg, which made her laughter come to a halt.

Trying to stomp on its face she kept muttering 'gross' or 'drop dead already' but it just wouldn't let go.

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