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Once all of them made it outside, the zombies could be heard banging against the door.

"And you kids, are you okay?"

"Yeah." Most of them nodded.

"Okay. If you go straight through the tennis courts and pass the construction site, you'll hit the mountain. If you cross the mountain and get to Yangdong-"

"Mr. Nam!" All of them looked back and just their luck, zombies started running toward them.

They all started running and made it inside the tennis courts. Planning on running through the court, they were trapped due to zombies blocking the back door.

"We can't go out there. We can't go anywhere."

"What should we do? What do we do?"

Breaking the door open, zombies started flooding inside.

"Oh shit, what now?"

While a few people began fighting against the zombies, Mr. Nam threw a smoke bomb away from the group. Doing so made most of the zombies run in that direction.

"Let's go." Running out one by one, Cheong-San, On-jo, and Mr. Nam were the only three left.

While On-jo tried getting her dad to leave with them Cheong-San started pulling her back since the zombies started heading back their way.

Mr. Nam pushed them out the gate and locked it on himself.

"On-jo, look at me. Go. Run! Go. Go!"

Zombies started running toward the group which led to them running once again.

Running a short distance they made it into the construction tower, they all thought they'd be safe until the two halfbies froze.


They all abruptly stopped once Nam-ra and Y/n spoke at the same time.


"Why, why, why?"

It was an eerie silence until multiple construction workers, zombified, came running.

"Go upstairs. Go!"

Once they made it upstairs they all looked for a way out only to realize they were trapped.

"Where do we go? There's no way out. It's blocked."

Y/n ran towards a window and lifted the tarp, noticing a ledge she decided this will do for now.

"Go through this way." As each person made their way out zombies started entering the room barely missing them.

All of them were sitting still trying to catch their breath.

"Stay away from the edge."

"Come over here."

"Quiet. We can't make any noise."

Nodding her head in agreement, Y/n leaned forward to see if any zombies were under them only to be yanked back by Mi-jin, forcing her to sit down.

Y/n was laying in between Mi-jin's legs with her legs dangling off the edge.

"Damn it. Nothing is working out. We keep hitting dead ends."

"Would you just be quiet? It's your fault Joon-yeong died. If you hadn't bitched at him and just shut up, he would have never jumped out there."

"Okay. It is my fault. Happy? Are you happy, asshole?"

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