Chapter 22~ humans

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You was running down the hallway with Hange and the group trying to catch you

But using your power you managed to gain speed

And run faster but you bumped into a strong but small figure

You look up slightly and saw grey cold eyes staring down at you

You fell in love all over again

"Let go" you say calmly

"Who are you"he said coldly

"I'm not telling"
You struggled trying to get out of his grasp.

"Tch" he said
"let me go" you demanded

"I don't belong here" you add
he raised a eyebrow
"Where do you belong"

You still trying to escape
"Where monsters live"

You finally got out of his grip
And ran
"Oh and happy birthday" you shout as you run out the front doors

Levi's point of view

I saw the stranger ran out the doors

And Hange and my group came running towards me

"Where did he or she go" Hange panted

I pointed at the door
Hanges face dropped
"Oh we lost her/him" she said
"Oh well they will come back, let's go finish of our party" petra said happily

I didn't really enjoy party's but I agreed anyway

Once we arrived I started looking at the mess my team had created
"Tch" I said

But ignored it
We all sat back down, and got back to what ever we was doing

"So what did that person get you?" Hange asked
"I don't know" I replied coldly

"He or she was interesting" she said with wonder in her eyes
"The voice sounded like a girl"petra said with food in her mouth
"Her fighting is amazing" Gunter added

I heard Erwin and mike talking about the expedition that we was going to do after the snow melts.

I didn't really care about this person who had interrupted my party
But there was something about her that seemed like I knew.

(Y/n) point of view

Your still running back to eijis house

"I knew that was a bad idea" you mumbled as you got to the door and knocked it

Your brother opened it and let you come in
"Why you back so early" he pointed out
You sigh "it didn't go well"

"Oh that's such a shame" he added once again
"Any way" you said with slight sadness in your tone "I shall be going now"

"But it's the middle of the night"
"I know, but I must be going" with that you ran up stairs and grabbed you bag and said your goodbyes and thanked them for letting you stay.

You ran out the door before your brother could say anything you shut the door and started heading to the wall.

There was a few men drinking, you found it funny watching grown drunk men, trying to walk on ice.

You walked past them as one shouted
"Hey lovely, you look fine" you could tell he was drunk because he slurred his words.

You ignored him and Kept walking to the wall you pull your hood up and started to run, you moved swiftly on the ice.

Levi's point of view

After a long nigh of 'partying' I walked to my office I couldn't get the mystery girl out my head.

I wonder why she seemed so familiar

I didn't really bother about that

The thing I was thinking about was we was going to attempt to close the hole in the wall, using erens powers.

We was planning to do the exposition after it stopped snowing.

I sigh "oh (y/n) only if you was here"

Then there was a knock on the door, and mike came into my office

"Good evening levi" he said emotionless
I nod
He passed me a huge pile if papers

I sighed
"Of course "

he left

and I made my way to my bed.

It seemed so lonely without (y/n)
I sighed thinking about her, I remembered her (e/c) eyes
And her soft (h/c) hair and her sweet smile.

With her in my mind I fell asleep

(Y/n)s point of view

You finally reached the walls you used your gear with a little gas left to hoist yourself over the wall.

-----time skip-----

After hours of running you finally arrive at your cave, you smile as you climb the rocks to the entrance of your 'home'.

"Good thing levi used to make me run a lot" you told yourself "oh I miss you, you small prick" you stroke your bracelet, as a picture of levi stuck in your mind

You didn't bother getting dressed you just climbed into your bed and fell asleep, thinking about your love that you missed terribly.

Hi it's me

I'm so sorry this chapter is so short

Please don't kill me

But I just needed something to spice up things

So this what my mind though .__.

But again THANK YOU SO SO much for reading


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