Chapter23~ not again

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You woke up to the sun shining through the hole of your cave.

You could tell it was the start of spring
You got up and walked to the entrance of your home, and breathed the fresh air.

You jump down to the soft grass that covered the ground around your cave, your bear feet felt light as you started to run freely in the forest.

You heard loud foot steps coming behind you, you turned around and saw Kemono
Coming towards you still with a never ending smile.

He bowed in front of you with respect
"Morning (y/n)" he said
"Why hello Kemono, how are you" you said sounding a little too posh

"Not very good" he said "today's the day"
You look down at your feet
"Oh really" you said sadly
"I'm afraid so" he said

"Please don't go" you said tearing up "the humans are evil, I don't want you to get hurt" you ran towards the titan and tried to hug the huge titans leg.

He looked down at you and picked you up with his two hands gently towards his face.

"(Y/n), i am a titan" he said "my job is to destroy the humans"
You thought

'Im human but a monster but I hate humans and I hate titans'

The only titan you loved was Kemono
He was the one that took you under his wing and looked after you.

"Kemono, please take me with you" you told him
"I shall not put you in danger" he argued
you made your pupils go small and mad them go red sharpening your teeth in the process.

"Who ever try's to hurt me or you,i shall kill" you told him with a creepy smile showing your sharp white teeth.

He laughed "very well"
You made yourself go back to normal
And smiled

"I don't care about any other titan, but you" you told him
As he put you down
"Then we should get going"

You ran and grabbed your gear witch still had a large amount of gas inside

Today was the day you would make your way to the wall

Today was the day where you was going to ruin humanity

But there was something making you feel bad

"I'm human and I hate titans" you mumbled so Kemono couldn't hear you

You was sitting on his shoulder making your way to the wall

"What I'm I gunna do?" You said still mumbling

But you could see the tall stone wall in the horizon

"I know" you said

--- Levi's point of view ---

I was stressing out going through the papers of the plan for blocking the wall in two days.

I needed to let my stress out so I made Eren clean nearly every Conor in the hole hq

"This plan better work"

The 'rookies' came in my room
Sasha, jean, Eren, armin

"What do you want" I said coldly

"We finished cleaning sir" armin said very shy

"Tch" I said

I didn't believe them for a second, but I was too bust to cheek.

"Fine, dismissed" I said shooing them

They all left not saying a word
I was still stressing with all the paper work.

When a note fell from the rumble of paper, the note was from (y/n), the one that she had left before she want back to the training group.

I pick the note up looking at the neat but rushed hand writing.

"Oh I miss you" I sigh "I thought after you graduated you would come back"
I mutter to myself

"But then they told me...."

Flash back

I waited for the cart of new recruits
Hanges face looked like it was about to melt.

She really was excited to meet the 'titan boy' as they call him

But I didn't want to bother with some shit head
"Oh (y/n)" I mumble

But I heard the sound if horses as I saw a carriage with the 'rookies' inside

My heart started to raise but I stayed still with my cold and emotionless face

The cart then stopped and I saw people flooding out but there was no sign of (y/n)

I walked to a boy with sand coloured hair
He recognise who I was and instantly saluted.

"At ease" I said "what's your name rookie" I said sharply

"J-jean sir"
"Well horse face" all his friends tried not to laugh at this "do you have any idea where (y/n) may be?"

His face frowned "sir she ran away about a month ago" he said sadly

'WHAT!!!' I thought

"Why did she run away" I asked trying to stay clam.

"I remember her doing very well in training, but people got angry of how good she was, and started to call her names and crowded her a lot"

"What names would they call her" I started to get mad

"Oh things like, monster , inhuman, freak" he sighed "I don't see what the problem is she seemed human to me

I look at hage and have her a 'don't say anything face' she nodded as she knew what I said

"Thank you jean" I said "dismissed"

He walked away
But all I could think about was (y/n), was she safe, is she hurt, what if the doves got her again

All bad thoughts went through my mind

(Y/n)s point of view

Kemono had agreed to you plan
"That's a great idea" Kemono said

"Alright here goes nothing" you said you pulled up the hood of your cape and used you 3dmg to hook at the top of the wall.

You started your plan

Hey it's me

I'm sorry to say this but
school has just started again so my chapters may be short but..

Il try and update every day 😝

But when the weekend comes there will be much much longer chapters

Till then

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