Chapter 31 ~ levi

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before we start I would like to dedicate this chapter to levi_x_Petra for


Thanks :)



It was your first day back in Levi's squad

Of course the first thing you had to do was cleaning.

But you was sent to do Levi's office.

You walked into the office as memorise smash against your face.

The sweet sent, the room itself made you feel safe.

You sigh and go on your hands and knees scrubbing the floor, cold grey eyes watched you behind the oak desk.

You was scrubbing the floor for about half a hour
levi got up from his desk
"When I come back, I want this room to be spotless" he said as he left the room.

You just sigh
You got up from your hands and knees and stretched.

---time skip---

You had done the hole room, but the messy desk was driving you nuts.

You started to organise the paper into piles and wipe the desk clear of dust,
You picked up a pile of work.

But something fell out
You picked the small pice of paper and looked closely.

It was a drawing

but then you realised it was a drawing of you.

The lines where smudged with little drops of water
"Tears" you mumble

You felt a wave of guilt wash over you body.

You looked at the window that had been replaced from the old one.

You looked at the picture
"I miss you to" you whisper

You held the picture tight in your Palms.

But jump as the door swings open
Levi stood in the room looking around.

But looked at you
"What's in your hand" he said with no tone in his voice
You held the paper in his view.

You saw his eyebrows furrow
"Why do you have that" he said sounding angry.

"I-I waas cleaning y-your desk" you stutter
He walked towards you and snatched the picture out your hands.

"What's wrong?" You say
"Dismissed" he said making no eye contact.

"B-but I haven't finish.." you was cut off but levi
"GET OUT" levi shouted

You flinched, levi had never raised his voice before to anyone

You knew you did something wrong
"Sorry sir" you say as you walk out the room.

You walk to the different mess hall and sat with Levi's squad.
"Did you hear that" Hange said to the team
"Hear what" eld said

Hanges face changed into shock
"Levi yelled" she said

'He must of shouted loud if they could hear it from here' you thought

Hanged looked at you
"What did you do?"

You shrug

The squad looked at you.

but Hange changed the awkward silence
" whisper I think you need to join the rookies in training"

You nod

And get to training


For the first time in forever
I have ran out of ideas


I'm so sorry this was so so short

I usually write 1000 words
But this on was 450 words


I promise il get some ideas
Just give me a cookie with rainbow sprinkles.

I'm freaking out

Ok at least I updated right


Till next time


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