Under The Stars

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Lauren's POV

I could still hear Catherine's obnoxious voice from the other side of the door as i was pacing around in my room, it's almost been an hour. That is one determined girl, i almost felt bad at one point as i could hear her slump onto the floor, i couldn't understand a word she was saying but that's when the loud thumps of her hitting the door started echoing throughout the room. I was close to tearing the door off it's hinges and beating her to death with it but thought better of the whole thing when i realized that would just add to the hotel bill. Either way there is no escape without facing her wrath, i'm surprised the rest of my group haven't camped out along with her. Where are they?  At one point i thought maybe there was a balcony or something i could slip out onto and figure something out that way, however it was not meant to be. The gap between my balcony and next doors was far too large and not worth me breaking my neck or falling to my death. It's almost 1am, Camila is probably asleep right now so there's no chance i'm going to be seeing her tonight, i don't even know what her schedule looks like for the rest of the week or when we're going to be able to spend time together. Just because it's the weekend doesn't always mean that we have time off to do whatever we want, lucky enough we have Saturday and Sunday morning free but i can't say the same for Fourth Harmony. Who knows, maybe they'll be saved from the havoc that is my group for the weekend. 

The thuds from Catherine's fist slowly seemed to fade, i'm surprised she kept it up for this long, i would have broken half an hour ago but if this girl has one thing, it's drive. I held my breath walking up to the door and pressing my ear against it, maybe she's finally given up? I can hope right? I waited, frozen in place and listening tentatively when suddenly the silence was broken and three more determined thuds bombarded against the door in rapid succession. 

'Lauren, please just open the door. I'm tired' Hold up, did she just say 'please'? And her tone of voice, it wasn't harsh or angry like it has been for the past hour, it was sincere. I didn't want to, let me emphasize i really didn't want to but nevertheless i found myself reaching for handle and pulling it open to see a weary eyed Catherine. 

'I have to say i'm impressed' i said crossing my arms over my chest and standing my ground firmly. 

'Lauren, where were you?' she asked, her voice slightly hoarse from all the yelling and rambling she's been doing, i'm surprised we haven't received any complaints. 

'I already told you, i was out' i explained vaguely. 

'Out with Camila?' she asked as she looked down the hall to her room.

'No, Camila was on a date. After getting a call from Dinah and Normani about you and the girls frantically asking where i was, she text me to find out where i was and her date offered to pick me up, and wallah'  i informed her. 

'So where were you?' she asked again.

'Why do you care Catherine?' i spat in return, for a girl who hates me she sure is showing a lot of concern. 

'Because if you get in trouble Lauren, it makes the rest of us look bad. And if you in anyway jeopardize our reputation, i have a way that could greatly affect yours or have you forgotten?' she retorted, moving into my room having noticed my weakened status. 

'How could i forget, you only bring it up every day of my life!' i yelled, making use of our new found privacy and slamming the door behind her. 

'How else am i supposed to keep you in line, you're always going off and doing your own thing, it's like you don't even care about our group anymore!' she yelled in return, throwing her arms around the room. 

'You don't control me Catherine, i'm not yours to do with as you will, i started doing my own thing when you started acting like a stuck up celebrity' i replied angrily through gritted teeth. 

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