One Step At A Time

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Lauren's POV 

As much as i love the idea of 'sneaking around at ungodly hours in the morning' it sure as hell does leave one feeling like complete crap when morning actually does come. I've had maybe 4 hours sleep and only 30 minutes left to get ready before i'm expected downstairs for breakfast with Satan and her minions. I'm sure the Devil is a woman, i would know i've experienced her wrath in the form of Catherine the Devil incarnate. I didn't bother putting on my face, i felt like hell and that seemed fitting since i was walking into a similar situation. I walked out of my room in a simple pair of black skinny jeans and a matching crop top, and made my way toward the elevator and down into the main lobby. The guy at the desk wished me good morning, is it, is it really! I turned the corner and walked into the vast waves of people sitting down to breakfast in the cafeteria, and noticed my group sitting cordially around one of the tables. I made eye contact with Vanessa who prodded Catherine's side quickly, the girl in question looking up from the device in her hand and smiling devilishly. I pondered over quickly and pulled out a seat beside Hayley.

'Well, well, well. Right on time Lauren, you're lucky, everyone almost found out your little secret. I had the message typed out and everything' she taunted, showing me her phone and the message she had written. 

'Good Morning to you too' i grumbled. I was right it really wasn't a good morning. 'So what do we have planned today, i mean i presumed nothing since it's our day off but now i'm sat here i'm not as sure' 

'Oh no, it is, but like you said Lauren you're a part of this group too so i thought why not have breakfast together?' Right, one i was blackmailed to attend... 

'Then what are you guys doing today?' Please go out, leave the hotel, i don't care where you go just don't make me come with you!

'If you really must know, we're having a girls day. You're more than welcome to come' she invited insincerely. 

'You mean i have a choice?' i said under my breath. 

'I'll take that as a no' i'm guessing she heard me. 'That's fine, Fourth Harmony aren't here so you get to sit and do nothing' she mocked, taking a sip of her water. They're not here? I left my phone in my room, maybe Camila texted me. 

'Well it was good seeing you guys, can i go now?' i asked, going to stand when i felt Hayley's hand on my wrist. 

'Sorry Jauregui, the point of breakfast is to have breakfast' she informed me, picking up one of the bread rolls and slapping it into my empty hand. Wow, Catherine was really rubbing off on these guys, like mother like daughter i suppose. I grabbed one of the knives and cut open the roll then proceeded to empty one of the packets of butter into it before scoffing it down. I didn't really care for looking lady like, which was good considering some of the looks i was getting. I just wanted to get away from these people as soon as possible. After a rather painful swallow, since i had not chewed everything quite to perfection in my hurry i looked at Hayley expectantly like 'you saw that shit right, stop me now BITCH' and she simply turned to Catherine in defeat.

'I don't know what i just saw, but please don't ever do it again' she sighed, rubbing at her temples.  

'I think i'm gonna barf' Jessica exclaimed as her stomach groaned. 

''Well that was fun, i came, i saw, i inhaled some bread, see ya' i stated, before walking off triumphantly. I ran back up to my room and 'gracefully' fell through my bedroom door and into the chest of drawers but not before swiping my phone off the desk and eating the floor. Not one of my best entrances, however it still got me where i needed to go, more or less. I picked up the fully charged device that was laid beside me and kicked the door shut with my foot, i had received a message but it wasn't from Camila, it was from Dinah. 

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