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"Jiraya boy has died in battle"
"Sasuke won uchiha Itachi is dead"
" Do you also think that's obito-kun"

I was crying on my bed thinking about these three sentences i was lost again.... all alone. I didn't know what to do it's just too much to handle i was crying and crying when i heard a knock on the window "kiyoko u alright?" It was Kakashi's voice "go away Kakashi" i said. He opened the window and came inside i said "i don't want to talk right now". So he didn't say anything just hugged me and stayed with me. I just kept thinking about jiraya sensei.
14 years back

"3rd Hokage you know that i can't come to the village until i am strong enough to protect him." I said 3rd hokage replied "i know that but Naruto has to...... He is the son of 4th hokage after all" "yes but you still disagree to tell anyone don't you?" I said.

"It's for his own good" lord third said he added "anyways i know that you feel guilty for their death you wished that you could do something to help out but you did you killed the person who was gonna take Naruto for oruchimaru it was a brave thing to kill your own dad.........so that's why to make you feel even stronger i brought you someone" i saw master jiraya Minato sensei's sensei come in.
"He is ready to teach you but Naruto has to come to the village". " It's danzo isn't it? He wants Naruto to be in the village so that he could use him as a weapon right?......... He is just a kid lord third he is human too besides i can't leave him just like that you know what he means to me my only goal in life is to protect him " i said jiraya sensei said " don't worry kiyoko you said that you can't stay in the village but you can keep an eye on him......see that he is doing okay right" "i suppose you are right sensei...." I said " so it's final that Naruto is coming with me don't worry i will give him a house and monthly allowance" third hokage said.
I agreed.
A year later

I was on a mission with jiraya sensei but like always he is peaking in a hot spring :-\ "sensei! Are you peaking up on girls again i thought we were here to relax before the mission =_=" i said he replied "yes but i am just doing research for my new book" "*sigh* pervert sensei ಠ_ಠ"i said " hey! I am your sensei don't call me that! You will see my book will be a new hit^_^" he said "yea right, anyways we are getting late for the mission let's jump in the hot spring and leave in an hour".

Few years later

Sensei was out i decide to go to the village to see how Naruto's doing maybe leave some extra money.
I was near his window seeing him he looked so sad i wish i could just hug him and say you are not alone i am there for you i heard a knock who could that be i thought. I saw lord third came in he brought some money with him i think it's Naruto's allowence i heard him say "here is you allowence for this month spend it wisely" such a little amount how does Naruto survive ugh i wish i was there to help him but i am not strong enough yet. He was about to leave when Naruto ask him something "can you tell me how my parents were like?" "Didn't i tell you before?....... although it was quite some time ago"
" That's not what I want to hear...
You are talking about the time when the ninth tail fox killed them right?...... Well that's not what i am asking about!...... I just want to know.....who were they........what kind of people were they." Lord third replied "there is no use asking about that it won't bring the dead back" and then he went away
I was about to go in and tell him everything about them and just hug him but some hand was on my shoulder i took my kunai and pointed at the person about to kill that person then i was that it sensei i Stopped my actions and asked him what happened why are you not letting me go to Naruto. He said "Naruto is still a kid he won't be able to process that information when the time is right he will get to know about it don't worry by the things you told me from that night Minato has planned it. So just don't say anything ok?" I replied "ok sensei" he just patted my head till that time he went outside so i got in side his house through the window and kept a few extra bucks on the table and stocked up some raman for him.
Now we have to go i want you to meet someone

Lady tsunade he introduced me to her and shizune and jiraiya sensei requested her to teach me medical ninjutsu after a long talk she agreed i was with her for little over a year i had asked jiraiya sensei to give Naruto some extra money every month till the time i was with lady tsunade she even taught me 100 healing Jutsu but she said it will take a lot of time to achieve it it might not even be possible for me to achieve it she even told me that i have become a fine medical ninja some how jiraiya sensei knew that i have a passion for medical ninja that why he did that i started training with him again we had gotten close he had become the closest thing to my father it's nice to have someone who would be there for you through thick and thin someone who you can reley on and know that there is someone to protect you he taught me toad summoning jutsu and took me to miyoboku. he even let me read his first book it was amazing.
2 years later

Jiraiya sensei and i were training near the river and i was fighting him with my full strength we fought for hours. I remember the first time we fought it didn't even took him 5 min to defeat me but today it's different after hours of fighting he defeated me obviously then he said that i have gotten very good and now there is nothing left for him to teach me and now he is sure that i could protect Naruto and that i am ready to live in konoha not just on the outskirts of it. I bowed down to him and thanked him and said that i would miss him a lot he said that he would be around. Then we departed. I started working at the hospital and he traveled doing missions as usual.


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