3. adjustments adjustments

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~3 weeks after moving~

*whatever the fuck ur alarm sounds like ringing*

"What the Hell" I groaned

Today is the first day of school in my new city

I quickly got up and took a quick shower to wake me up and ate breakfast just in time for the bus


I entered the class and the teacher introduced me to everyone

"Well pls be nice to her, and y/n u may sit next to eliana" The teacher said

"Hi I'm Eliana, Nice to meet you" she greeted

"oh hello I'm Y/N L/N" 

"oh well hello Y/N uh I'll give you a tour later ok" 


The first few periods were pretty boring it was mostly just teachers introducing me to the class and a bunch of awkward talks


Lunch break finally came and took a seat next to Eliana, and her bestfriend Charlie and Lauren. 

"Hi I'm Charlie" 

"And I'm Lauren, nice to meet you" 

"well hello uh heh" 

*intensely awkward silence lol*

"Would you like to know about the school Y/N" Eliana said breaking the silence

"Uh yea sure" 

"OK well bit of history" 

"Madame Kairy Arianna Shannon Jones the 5th founded this school in the early 1960s right after the feminism movements to provide a school for her Children Mary Kate, Cedrick, and Chiara" 

"The first teachers were her best friends and one of wich's daughter is now our Principal" 

"Miss Juliana Evonne Taylor" 

"ok that's some interesting lore but what about the new lore in school" 

"Oooooh like dream smp lore" Lauren interrupted


Eliana shot her an odd look

"Woah,what's with the look u an anti or sumthin" I asked

"No it's just she brings it to almost every conversation, why do you seem concerned tho"Eliana defended

"Oh no it's nothing just a bit of a fan myself to"I reassured

They all gave each other a look as a smile creept up their faces 


In wich Lauren just couldnt hold her laugh anymore and just proceeded to laugh out loud

"You really thought we didn't know" she said

"Bruh why?" I questioned

"Eh it was just cus we didnt know how to put it in a conversation without being akward" Charlie admitted 

"Ok? I guess"

"heh sorry if that was uncomfy" Elian said in a slightly apologizing tone

"Wha- no it's totally fine"I retorted

"well uh enough of mcyts what's going on with the school rn"

"Oh right" Eliana snapped

"Ok well um there is a popular group,they're a bit weird and a lot of bullies are there so probably best to stay away,We also have clubs for example im in the Art club, Lauren is in the Badminton club, and Charlie is in the music club"

In which i just nodded in response 

"And that is pretty much it, now tell us about yourself" Eliana proposed

"Well I used to live in Nottingham, but we moved here when m grandmother died so we can keep my grandfather company, I have uhh an Y/P his/her name is P/N, I also have 3 annoying brothers,and you know about Tom, and that's pretty much it

"Also y/n, you good on friday we're going out"

"Uh yea sure"

By the end of my first day I could say we became pretty good friends though I noticed Eliana and Charlie were close like REALLY close, like close in a familiar way. 


Once back home I immediately went to my room and called Tommy

"HELLO?!",he shouted

"Hello child", I said blankly trying to annoy him

in which he ended the call in return


mate, why'd u end the call 4:31

dont call me child
                                                                                                                  dont call me child

dont call me child

dont call me child

dont call me child

dont call me child

dont call me child 

dont call me child 4:35


K 4:36

                            Incoming call from Tomathy<3

"ok thank you"i said

"Anyhow, how are u" I greeted

"I'm good, not much has happened around here" he reassured

"What about Cassidy? has she been bothering you?" I asked in a 50% concerned tone and  50% angry tone

"No not really"

"Oh well same here, speaking of Cassidy can I ask you something Tom"

"Uh yea sure, why what is it"he asked

" Well remember the formal?"

"yea why?" 

"Well I saw u and it seemed like u were angry, what happened" 

"You know cassidy she gets on everyone's nerves. You know I tried I really tried to be nice to her but fucking hell she's an ass hole" he said slightly angry

"yep she sure can really get on ur nerves" I said in a humoured tone trying to lighten up the mood

" Anyhow when are you coming here I miss you" 

"Ohhh being clingy huh?" he said mocking me

"Excuse me? NO!" is said in an offended tone

"yea yea whatever" he said humorous 

"Is Friday okay?" he asked

"Yea plus my new friends wanna hangout you can come with if you want I'll also ask polly" I exclaimed

"Friday it is then" 


(789 WORDS)  4/15/22



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