Chapter Two

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A/N - There will be spoilers about tonight's episode in the comments and at the end.

"Hello ladies, I'm Dr Garcia, I'm not sure if you remember me from your first child. Please come through"

The two wife's followed the doctor into her room, she guided Danielle to sit on the bed.

"So you think your pregnant?" She asked, "IVF yes?"

"Yes" Danielle smiled nervously, Stefania could sense Danielle's anxiety and held onto her hand.

"How far along?"

"We think about eight weeks" Stefania confirmed.

"Amazing" The doctor smiled, "Lift your shirt and we'll take a look"

Danielle lifted her shirt and Dr Garcia squirted the gel onto her stomach, "We will also take bloods to confirm". She moved around Danielle's stomach until she found a little heart beat.... And there it was, the room filled with a fast beat. Danielle looked at Stefania and started to cry. "Bambina it's okay"

"You say eight weeks?" The doctor questioned.

"Yes?" Stefania replied a little confused.

"Well actually you're ten weeks" the doctor confirmed.

"I am?" The little blonde sobbed.

"You are" Dr Garcia smiled "I will still take some blood for tests but yes you are ten weeks"

Not long after the couple finished up the appointment and left the hospital hand in hand.

They reached the car, Stefania held Danielle close leaning her up against the car door, "See I told you it would be okay bambina"

"You did" Danielle smiled, she held onto Stefania's cheeks and pulled her in for a soft kiss. "God I love you" she mumbled into her lips.

"I love you too" Stefania gave her another kiss, "We're having another baby" she whispered, "A mini Luca"

"I mean he's already mini baby, he's definitely got my height" Danielle teased.

"Let's hope he has my brains then" Stefania teased back.

Danielle looked at her with a sad pout, "That's mean"

Stefania gently stroked Danielle's cheek, "But he's beautiful just like you are bambina... besides I didn't say I was the smart one"

Danielle's little pout turned to a smile, "Come on, we're hungry" she laughed and pointed to her stomach.

Stefania gave her one finally kiss and opened the car door.

Danielle was about to get in when someone called her name.

Once she realised who it was she froze, Stefania gripped onto her hand, she'd never met this woman before... besides seeing the odd picture.


"Mom?" Danielle questioned.

"It is you" her mother smiled.

"What to you want?" Danielle growled.

"I just- I wanted to say hello" Her mother shrugged. "How are you?"

The blonde scoffed, "Oh so now you have want to see me? Now you suddenly care"

"Danielle don't be like this, I always care about you"

"Took you twelve... almost thirteen years to see me did it?" Danielle snapped.

"I've been meaning to reach out for a while. I heard about baby Lucas, how is he?"

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