Practice Makes Perfect

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Jack goes to the practice room, relieved to see nobody else is taking advantage of this hidden gem. He takes one of the guitars and pulls out his notebook with a song he wrote.

He presses record using the voice memo app, not wanting to show his face to his internet friend. Lex hasn't done it yet and he's not about to be the one that does it first.

He closes his eyes and starts strumming away on the guitar, playing what he has written on the sheet before free-styling, making a beautiful progression that flows fluently together.

JB1988: 1 audio attachment

Earthtolex: that was beautiful. I love it!

He attaches an audio attachment of him singing Dakota by A Rocket To The Moon, acapella.

Jack lays down in the practice room, balancing the guitar on his stomach as he listens to the clip Lex sent him.

JB1988: wow.. that was beautiful!

He takes a second to write anything else and looks up at the ceiling. He realizes he's totally falling for this boy. They've been friends online for long enough that Lex has become his emotional support and after hearing how stunning his voice is he can't help but let his heart get all melty and gross inside. He bites his lip and thinks for a second.

JB1988: I love that song. I want to hear something you've written though! Even without lyrics my stuff always stems from somewhere. That one was written after a breakup. It hurt but I turned that hurt into something good and I'm pretty okay now. :')

He hits sending, hoping that'll prompt Lex to share his relationship status. They never really talked about it and if he has a boyfriend he'd want to just be shot down now.

Earthtolex: I'm sorry to hear that. I kinda feel like my relationship is getting really distant. I have a boyfriend but I hardly see him anymore and when I do, it's sort of just kisses and cuddles, and he tells me he loves me but honestly I don't think he does. I'm not even sure that I love him anymore. I think he's more interested in his other relationships. He wanted an open relationship and I try to accept that, but now I'm on the back burner for him. It's sad

JB1988: I'm sorry that's the worst feeling. Sometimes I just wish things were super clear and easy but life loves being tricky. Plus side though if it's an open relationship you can see if you can find someone else before losing the whole relationship. Funny you mention that though I have an old friend who moved away. I think I have feelings for him but it's hard when he's so far away. Plus he's in a relationship but he doesn't seem too happy in it either so I guess we'll see. 

JB1988: breaks my heart that you have to go through all of this. At least we have each other though. We're all a part of the same sick little games.

Earthtolex: you're a genius

JB1988: huh?

Earthtolex: nothing, maybe we could hang out sometime? You said you're East coast. So am I. We could meet up somewhere between the both of us? Somewhere public like a restaurant or something. I just mean since we both seem lonely at the moment.

Jack gets a knot in his stomach as he reads the text from Lex. Every horrid thought starts going through his brain: 'what if we meet and he hates me? What if he's completely different and it ruins the friendship we built? what if I fall even harder?

He bites his lip and sits up, taking a second to breathe before typing out a reply.

JB1988: yeah, I'm in Maryland actually. It might be hard to get around though I don't really have a car or anything but it would be nice to meet up.

He prays his hesitation isn't coming through his message and he gets up, leaving the practice room and heading back toward his dorm.

Earthtolex: me too! I'm near Baltimore! Wanna meet up at one of the places there? I have a car! If you're comfortable with it, I could get you if you wanted but I get if you don't.

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