2.(Meeting Him)

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(Pic of Jerry, Bryson Tiller☝🏾️)

It's been 6 months since that whole situation with Ryan and getting a record deal. I've been going around to a lot of states to try to boost my career up a bit. Right now I'm in Texas and i can say it right now this place is beautiful. Im in a restaurant right now and this guy keeps staring at me i don't know why but I have to admit it right now he was really cute. Light skin with deep dimples and perfect teeth.
He was still staring as i got up to leave but this time he got up to stop me. "Hi miss sorry to interrupt you but you are really fine and i was wondering would you like to come to dinner or something like that" "Wow you like to get straight to the chase don't you" i said. "Sorry to be so straightforward but you are really cute and i would love to get to know you" he replied. "I don't even know your name" i said. "Jerry, but some call me Jay" he reached his hand out to shake mine. "Gina but some people call me G" i said as i shook his hand , he start laughing and said "So whats your answer" he asked with his big brown, beautiful eyes glistening. "Yes" I replied. "Aight can i have your number"? "(314)675-9974" i said as he typed it in his phone. "Ok ill call you later so we can set a date" he said as he winked at me and left. I smiled as i got in my car. I haven't got hit on by a guy that cute since me and Randy broke up and it felt good. I started up
The car and went back to my hotel.

4 hours later
INCOMING PHONE CALL (218) 325-0054
"Yeah is this Gina"
"It's Jerry from the restaurant"
"I knew that from your accent"
"Oh really"?
"So I was thinking that we could have our date tomorrow night is that ok"?
"Yeah I'm free"
"Ok well I'll see you then text me your number"

I hung up the phone as i smiled he was charming. I went I the closet and searched for a cute dress to wear.

*Next Night*
I text "Jay" the hotel address and slipped on my white dress. In about 10 minutes Jay pulled up in a black Camry and had on a suit that made him look so handsome. I got in his car and we drove up. I looked around in the car. "Why you looking around for" " So I can describe it to my brother in case your a murderer" i said. He chuckled "I ain't no serial killer" he said rubbing his chin. "You never know" i replied. He turned the corner into the parking lot of that fancy new restaurant that everyone keeps talking about. He pulled in a spot and looked at me before getting out and opening the door for me. I got out and he slipped his hand into mine as we walked in together. "Welcome to Nozu do you have a dinner reservation" "Yes for Jerry Martin" "Ohh yes you will be at the table by the big window over there" she pointed. "Thank you" he replied. As we made our way over there it looked beautiful and smelled really delicious. We sat down and the view was beautiful too. He looked at me and said "what do you think"? All i could say was "wow". A waiter came by with menus and i looked at it. I couldn't decide on what to get. "You should really get the steak and green peppers its really good" he said. "You've been here before"? "Yeah" he said. "so this is what you do everyday" I said. "What"? "Take girls out to eat and wine and dine them". "No i was here with some other people" he said as the waiter came over and took our orders. We waited for our food as we sat in awkward silence. "So, how old are you"? i asked to break the silence. "20" he said. "Ok well were you born and raised here" "Yeah been here every since i could remember" "ok" "where you from"? "New Orleans" i replied. "ohh no wonder" he said as he smiled. "What"? i said confused. "Your ass looks like your from New Orleans" he laughed as he said that. "Shut up" i hit him playfully on his arm. Just as we were done talking our food came.
*2 hours later*
I couldn't eat anymore i was full and i could tell Jerry was too.
"You ready to go"? he said. "Yeah" "Waiter" he yelled. She came over and gave us the bill. "Thanks". He paid the bill and we got up to his car. We got in and he turned on the radio. Cake by Trey Songz came on. He start singing the lyrics and he could really sing. I kept quiet so i could hear him. He turned off the music and said to me "You know you don't have to go right" "What"? I said. "Would you like to come to my house" he asked. "umm well you proved to me your your not a serial killer, so yeah". "Ok" he said as he pulled out the parking lot. i was really curious how his house looked. He pulled into a parking garage. "You ready"? he said. "Yeah". He got out and held the door for me again. "You're not slick i know your looking at my ass"! i said. I heard him laughing. He got out a key and we walked to the elevator. We walked to a door with the numbers 748 written on it. He unlocked the door and as i looked inside i saw a lot of music stuff around like records and everything. i picked a record up as he went into his bedroom to change. When I picked the record up a picture fell. It was a baby boy with a lot of hair in the bathtub. I looked at it and laughed as he walked back in the room. "this was you"? I asked as he came over to me and tried to take the picture but i moved my hand. "Aww look" i cooed. "you were cute". He finally snatched the picture and put it back in place. We both sat on the couch. Me still laughing i asked "So what are we going to do"? He said "i don't know you want to watch a movie". "No i want to get to know you" i said. "Aight want you want to know". "well first tell me why you didn't tell me you could sing". "Haha you heard that in the car"? "Yeah I have a little bit of talents myself". "Well i know that" he said. "How"? "I saw your YouTube videos you can really blow" he said. "Well thank you". And for two hours straight we were just talking about music and our favorite songs and everything. Then when he deepened the conversation by asking about personal stuff like family. "So you lived with your mom in New Orleans"? "Umm yeah just me and my brother". "What about your dad"? He asked. "Wasn't in my life, he wanted crack over us so we had to leave. i said. "Aww I'm sorry did i go too far"? "No, it's alright". Then he leaned in to kiss me and I didn't hesitate i kissed back. "Then he start kissing on my neck and pulling down my dress. I moaned as he kissed my spot. He picked me up and took me to his room without breaking the kiss and threw me on the bed as he took off his pants and boxers. He climbed onto the bed and tugged on my dress, till it ripped. Then he slid off my panties as i moaned and gasped. Then he pushed inside of me as i moaned uncontrollably and scratched his back. He thrust inside of me for what seemed like hours until he rolled over and i got on top. I rode him and screamed. I hadn't felt nothing like this since Ryan and it felt so good. We both finally came and lay down on the bed and fell asleep.

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