Uncomfortable Reunion

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Chapter Thirty-Five

Uncomfortable Reunion

April 26, 2010

"You sure you're okay being out right now? You went through a lot this morning."

Hinata looked up at the carbon copy of her lover. There was concern on his face, disquiet in his blue eyes. She nodded, then cuddled deeper into the nook his body created, enfolding her hand with the one dangling from her right shoulder. She was just fine at the moment. Having him close to her, walking beneath the heavy strength of his arm, she felt as safe as she always did with him.

"I'm alright. The fresh air makes me feel a bit better and...I've got to face the outside world some time."

Not only was it a hurdle she needed to overcome, the business around her was a distraction her mind sorely needed. She needed to be out in the light, among the cheerful noisiness of the village. This morning had been...

Goosebumps pebbled her flesh.

She didn't really want to think about it right now.

If she thought about it too long, she would get scared again.

And she didn't want to be. For as long as she could, she wanted to run from that feeling. She knew, once she started training, she was going to be more than scared. This chakra inside her, this energy that slithered and twined beneath her skin would make sure of that. Beneath that, guilt...depression still lingered. Neither had left her. The terror had merely eclipsed the two. They'd return, she knew. When it was quiet and she couldn't beat back the memories of what she had done. Walking among happy people in a lively village seemed to be the best way to skirt all that baggage.

Her eyes softened on the clone at her side.

More so than that, she didn't want to worry him.

He was spending time with Sasuke, something he hadn't done in years. He had talked openly and fondly about the man that left him an amputee, worried over what life he was currently living and had hoped one day he'd see him again. Now that it was happening, she didn't want to ruin that for him. She didn't want him to think about anything other than catching up with his former teammate.

And thus, their trip outdoors.

They walked slowly, leisurely, talking sparsely. She knew she was being quieter than normal but she couldn't help it. She wasn't okay, and as much as she wanted to, she couldn't pretend to be. It wouldn't work on the man beside her anyway.

He stopped a moment, halting her in the process. She tilted her head up to him. He was turned slightly, peering at something behind them.


He beamed down at her.

"Stay right here, I'll be right back. And don't turn around."

Dark brows furrowing in confusion, she could only wonder what he was up to as he extracted himself from her. This wasn't the first time he'd done something like this. Her husband to be was and always had been a spontaneous, unpredictable person, and she loved that part of him. He always made their life exciting and lively. He did things that others wouldn't, did things others couldn't and had ideas that would never cross anyone else's mind. He wasn't stupid, or an idiot, he was unique, her Naruto.

A few minutes passed and though she knew she wouldn't, the temptation to turn and look was strong.

"Excuse me...Hinata-sama."

Her gaze snapped to the person in front of her. Dark chocolate eyes, thick dark hair, the man was as tall as her fiancé. He looked anxious, and swallowed twice. There was determination on his face, and apprehension in his eyes.

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