Chapter 2 - Christian

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"—just too much homework, dude."

Christian sat on a small couch near the exit to the medical studies building, oblivious to the storm raging on outside. His eyes flickered over each page, scanning the textbook for vital information as he jotted down some notes.

"Well, I don't know." He responded mildly, not taking his eyes off of the page. "I kind of like it."

"Jesus H. Christ, man. Of course you do. Of course you do."

Miguel continued talking. Not that Christian was really absorbing his words. Even though some part of him recognized that as rude, he knew Miguel enough to be comfortable multitasking around him.

"— so, what do you think?"


Seconds after responding, Christian processed what had been said...or, well, at least part of it. Something about movie night?

"Yeah. Sure."

"Awesome. I'll text Dana and —"


The sound of thunder roared through the building as the lightning struck in the distance. Christian yelped and almost jumped to his feet at the sound, being yanked out of his state of concentration. Miguel snickered.

"Nice reflexes, dude. Catlike."

Christian rolled his eyes and plopped back down onto the seat without a response, finally closing his textbook.

"It's really pouring out there," Miguel noted.

"Yeah., it really is." This was the first time he actually bothered to look outside at the torrent of ice and rain, which was only fueled further by the rapid winds.

I hope Felix is okay. I know that the apartment lobby doesn't take in strays, but this should be an exception...right? It's like a hurricane out there.

Then, another thought occurred to him.

"Hey, um, Miguel, would you want me to drive you home once this clears up? I know you take the bus and all—"

"Nah, nah. Don't worry about it. Honestly being stuck here a little longer could do me some good. I have to motivate myself to study somehow, right?"

Christian chuckled at his response.

"Well, uh, if you'd ever want any help with that, either..."

"I can call you. I know."

"Sorry. Just wanted to make sure."

"Hey, I know. Don't mention it."


After squeezing in an extra hour of study time, Christian stirred out of his entranced state to look outside the window. The storm had finally seemed to lighten up into a soft drizzle.

Good enough, I guess.

He shut his heavy textbook and stuffed it into his already overflowing bag.

A familiar scent of damp earth and wet leaves met Christian's nose as he stepped outside, hugging his books close to him to keep even the slightest drop of water from tainting their pages. Meanwhile, his hair and neck were pelted by raindrops, causing involuntary shivers until he reached the relative warmth and safety of his car.

The dreariness of today's weather was most likely going to stick around, Christian decided as he pulled out of the driveway. Not as if he minded, of course; there was nothing he liked more than a nice warm meal and a calm, relaxing night while the background ambience of rain on the window lulled him to sleep.

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