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Your POV :

I just arrived at our house from my work until i saw Nayeon sitting on the couch while watching TV, and i just ignored her. We have fought last week, because of our work again, she said that i haven't time for her and i just look for my work, actually work first, and it's for our future.

“ Y/n.. ” she mumbled my name. But I ignored her.

“ I'm sorry Y/n.. ” she said and i just went to our room and changed, i ate dinner to my office so I'm full... A few moments later i finished changing i went downstairs with my laptop to check my social media, when i was walking through the living room i saw Nayeon rubbing her eyes. Is she's crying?? I just ignored her but i concerned. I placed my laptop to the table and opened it, i was busy scrolling but i heard some noises from the bathroom. I wish she's ok. A few moments later Nayeon get out from the bathroom and wipe her mouth and went upstairs.

I think Nayeon is not feeling alright...

I went upstairs to see what's going on and i opened the door of our room and i saw Nayeon sitting while holding the side table, breathing heavily. I went closer to her, and i rub her back.. it's sweaty.

“ are you okay?? ” i asked but she didn't answer, i just wiped her sweat off and rub her back again, she start to breath in and out again. I have a bad feeling about this.

“ Nayeon what's going on? ” now i'm getting worried about her, what's going on her. And a few moments she's sweating really hard and she's hard to breathe

“ tell me Nayeon what's wrong, Bunny?? ” I asked and she looked at me hurt.

“ Nayeon??!! Are you hurt?? Where's the pain?? ” I said and rub her back she looked down

“ let's go to the hospital?? ” I asked but she just shook her head

“ Nayeon just talk i'm getting worried.. ” I said

“ i- i... I can't..breathe... ” she said and i carresed her chest.

“ It's ok Nayeon, i call a doctor... ” I said and i get my phone to call the doctor.


The doctor checked at Nayeon the doctor said Nayeon has a flu, and she need to take her medicine, she have to take almost six kind of medicine on a one day.

“ Nayeon are you okay right now after drinking your medicine? ” I asked and she nodded

“ take your medicine okay so you can recover.. ” I said and she nodded. I go out and call my manager, i ask for permission to have a day off because Nayeon need me but my boss just told me that i have to present the presentation tommorow, i guess Nayeon can take care of herself, she's a strong woman, besides i can call her to check out if she's ok, so i went back to our room and i saw Nayeon drifted to sleep, i kissed her and went to sleep.


It's morning so I quickly take a shower and made a breakfast for me and Nayeon, i woke up early so i can cook for Nayeon so she can take her medicine, i put her food on the tray and went to our room, and i saw her sitting she just woke up.

“ Nayeon here's your breakfast.. ” i said and she smiled.

“ thank.. you're going to work?? ” her happy voice turn into a cold voice.

“ uhhh yes.. I need to present our presentation then after that I go home early so i can take care of you.. ” I said and she just stared at me.

“ Nayeon i will be back after the presentation ok?? I will take care of you.. oh i'm gonna be late, eat your breakfast now and drink your medicine.. ” she ate her breakfast and drink her medicine after that i washed the dishes and went to change i said goodbye to her and told her to rest. She will be ok Y/n don't worry...


I finished my presentation and i said goodbye to my boss and drive my car, and i start to drive when there was a traffic jam blocking my way, seriously? Nayeon needs me!! Urghhhh! I hate traffic.. I just sighed and trying to call Nayeon but she didn't answer, maybe she's sleeping..

An hour ago, i finally escaped the traffic i drive as fast as i can and i finally arrived to our house, i opened the door and put my bag to the couch i supposed to get a water but I saw Nayeon at the table, trying to catch her breath, i quickly held her because she's falling...

“ Y...,y/n...I can't...hold it...anymore...” she said but i just carresed her chest and back.

“ Nayeon hold on.. I call an ambulance.. ” i said and i called an ambulance to pick her up, and when the call ended i saw her closing her eyes and saying

“ I'm sorry... ” she whispered and i cried

“ Nayeon, just hold on ok??!! The ambulance will come here soon.. ” I said but she collapse

“ Yeon?!!!! Nayeon!!!!! ” i said and now i'm crying, why did i chose my work instead of her..

“ Nayeon?? Stay still ok.. ” I said and finally the ambulance has arrived.


I'm here at the hospital still waiting for the news that how's Nayeon, i was so worried about her if i didn't go to work i can take care of Nayeon.. Because I'm so dumb!! I'm so stupid.. I should think Nayeon first than my work.. urghhh! I'm angry at myself, I'm such an useless girlfriend.. I didn't care of her.. I wish there's wasn't bad news...

The doctor came out and talk to me. Nayeon is ok, she just have a convulsion because her flu is so high, she can accept visitors so I thank the doctor and went to her. I saw her looking at me with a sad eyes.

“ Nayeon I'm sorry.. ” I said and she cried

“ shhh. The doctor said that your going to be ok you just a got a convulsion.. ” I said

“ please stay Y/n I'm feel so weak if you're not around.. ” she said and after that I felt my heart broke. She really want me to stay by her side always.

“ Nayeon i'm sorry if i ignored you, i just focused on my work, and i'm haven't time for you, so i'm sorry Nayeon i didn't mean too.. If you want i will look for you, you first, work can wait. ” i said and she smiled.

“ you're not leaving right?? ” Nayeon asked and i nodded.

“ thanks, ok i'm feeling better right now, because you're staying.. ” Nayeon said and i chuckled

“ haha, I love you Nayeon.. ” I said and kisses her.

“ get well soon. ” I said and she smiled

“ I love you.. ” she said

I will stay by your side Nayeon..

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