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I suck at writing so maybe in the future I may edit this if I get better.


//Third Person//

A white little butterfly flew away as the two superheroes, Ladybug and Chat Noir, did their daily fist bump after battling an akuma.

"Pound it!" Both said, hitting their first together.

Before Ladybug could pull away from their fist bump, Chat Noir gently, grabbed her wrist then turning it over to kiss the back of her hand. Ladybug just rolled her eyes. Pulling her hand away from him, then wiping off his kiss on her suit.

"M'lady." Chat said, flirtatiously handing her a red rose, bowing.

"Chat..." Ladybug huffed in almost irratation and annoyance, but the blonde didn't seem to notice.

"Bugaboo, I give you this rose because it represents you. Your beauty, and your courage for others makes me fall for you more." He said, smiling softly at her.

"Chat-" Chat cutt her off. Yes, Ladybug did love him. As a friend though. No matter how many times she told him, he wouldn't stop.

"Let me finish first, M'lady! I love you. To the moon and back, your beautiful, kind, confident, funny, beautiful- wait! I already said that! But it doesn't really matter, because you are and I love you-"

"Chat..." Her tone is getting louder, but still he didn't notice.

"-ou are my yin to my yang! The jelly to my peanut butter! The star to my moon! The-"


Immediately, Chat stopped, standing up straight looking at her in shock and hurt.


"Chat, stop it with the nicknames! I'm getting sick of you distracting me in the middle of an akuma attack! Look Chat, I don't love you! How many freaking times do I have to say it! I love someone else! Someone better than you! Someone that doesn't distract me like you do!" She shouted, in frustration, anger, and tiredness.

She shouted more stuff that half she means and half she doesn't. Chat just stood there looking at her, not saying a word. Just stood there watching her outburst to him.

"-han you! Hell! I even trust someone enough than you to know my identity! Because I'm sure as hell that if you did you would just keep bugging (pun intended) me in my house! Y'know what, Rena is so much better than you. She's smarter, chill, more focused than you! Carapace is better than you, more funny, stronger, useful than you! Chloe, I hated her, I did but she's much better than you! Annoying, but not as annoying as you! Aspik, Viperion, Pegasus, Multi Mouse, Ryuko, Bunnix, King Monkey, and more! And they're all better than you." She finished, but not quite.

Chat's heart broke, but not completely. Until...

"I sometimes wish you were never my partner!" She said through her gritted teeth.

Chat's eyes widened. He opened his mouth to say something, but nothing came out. 'better... Than me..?Never were her... Partner?' He thought to himself, he looked down as if he was finding the floor interesting, his eyes watered until he started crying.

Why couldn't someone just love him for once? That's all he asks for, someone to love him the way he is. He isn't, oh so perfect, polite, kind, smart, handsome Adrien! He's, funny, cocky, flirtatious, bad ass, smart and more! Why couldn't someone or anyone except that?

Ladybug then realized what she did then gasped covering her mouth. How could she? How could she say that to her Kitty?

"Chat..." Ladybug whispered, taking a small step towards him, but he turned away from her reach then ran away.

"CHAT!" Ladybug cried, she wanted to chase after him and apologize but she couldn't move. She was stuck. Then she fell on her knees as Tikki flew out of her earrings.

Beep, beep-

Marinette sobbed into her hands, she wished she didn't say those words to him. Tikki couldn't do anything but rub her back, yes, she's angry and disappointed in her owner. She knew Chat's identity and knew how his home life is and how he was treated from other people.

"I-I'm the-the- worst pa-partner eve-ever..!"

"You are Marinette, you are."

//With Chat/Adrien//

It was raining. But Chat didn't care though.

He ran, jumped, and cried. Maybe she was right. The others were better than him. Adrien, was better than him.

"Why do I even try? She'll never love someone like me. You were right Plagg, I should have moved on ages ago!" He said. Running after rooftop after rooftop. He didn't notice a loose roof board so, he tripped.

He screamed as he hit the floor, in an alley way.

As he crashed then slid and cried out in pain holding his left wrist. His wrist had a big gash on it. It hurt. It really did but he didn't care.

Beep! Beep!

In a slight green flash, there de-transformed, Adrien Agreste. The young famous model that every girl wants to be with, and every boy wants to be.

Plagg flew out of the ring and immediately flew to his owner trying to calm him down from crying. He saw and heard everything, and he was so mad at Marinette.

If he had the energy right now, he would've cataclysm her to death right there and then. But he'll do that later, right now Adrien was his top priority at the moment.

Plagg rubbed the blonde's back trying to calm him down, keyword: 'trying'. Adrien kept on crying until there were no more tears to cry for.


A raspy, deep but calm voice called out. Adrien lifted his head slightly to look at the unknown stranger, and saw his friend, Luka.

"L-luka?" Adrien weakly said.

"Adrien? What are you doing here? Are you hurt?" Luka walked closer to the blonde then sat on his knees in front of him. Luka sounded very concerned and worried for him, it made him smile a little.

"W-well, I guess? I-I just scratched my wrist. Badly..." Adrien shrugged showing his wrist which was badly swollen, bruised and had a big scratch on it.

"You scratched your- okay, is it fine for you if I pick you up and bring you to my house to fix that up?" Luka asked gently.

"Su-sure." Adrien replied shaking as he hugged himself since it was really cold.

Luka noticed this and swiftly took of his jacket leaving him in his hoodie, and placed it above Adrien's shoulders. He put one arm under Adrien's knees and one supporting his back then lifted him up gently.
Bridal style. He was so so light though.

"Adrien, why are you so light? Have you eaten anything?" Luka concernly asks the shorter boy, as he started walking out of the alley.

"Father gave me a new diet so I eat less than before." Adrien answered quietly, nuzzling his face in Luka's shoulder.

"Why?" Luka frowned.

"Photoshoots." Adrien said simply. Luka felt stupid there. Of course, the photoshoots.

"Do you want anything to eat at my place?" Luka asked looking down at the boy who had his face stuffed in his shoulder.

Luka's stomach suddenly felt weird when he saw the blonde. It wasn't a bad one though. It was something that made him think it was good.

Adrien just nodded in reply then falling asleep right after. He was really tired after that.

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