Chapter 1 - Monkey D. Luffy the King of Cuts

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A/N:I'm sorry I haven't posted up Move on and Smile chapter 3 but I was bedridden at the hospital again. (sarcastic) YAAAAAAAY, im almost done and don't worry i'm fine (if you guys care or nah) and these two chapters were things I found, an I decided to post them.

"You guys need a haircut!" Nami yelled at the men of the crew. Sanji immediately went to his Nami-swans side, Usopp looked reluctant, Luffy frowned while Zoro swept his hair back with his fingers looking irritated. "...Well if i'm going to get a haircut..." Zoro turned to Luffy. "Can you do it Luf?" The crew besides Zoro,Luffy and Robin looked in horror. "You're going to let him cut your hair Zoro!?" Usopp asked bewildered as Luffy ran to the men quarters. "Yeah, he does it all the time, and he actually does a great job" Zoro said as Luffy walked in with a spray bottle full of water, a knife and scissors, a green 'badass' comb, and lastly a red cloth with 2 pillows. Luffy pulled a bottle of dry on conditioner out of his pocket with a scent 'Thrilling waves' on it and sat down and laid everything aside. "Ok Zoro i'm ready." Luffy said calmly as he sat on his knees on the pillow as Zoro moved to sit on the other pillow. Luffy put a small cloth around Zoro's neck and picked up his knife and spray bottle. "Um...Luffy-bro how are you going to do" Franky asked, Luffy looked up from Zoro's hair. "Well, usually I comb his hair out, cut it to how short he wants, trim his sides, and his back of his hair and brush it back to how he usually has it." Luffy said as he wet Zoro's hair and combed it. The crew looked at the duo in front of them as they stared with interest, Nami got irritated. "Okay who wants me to give them a haircut?", everyone was silent except Sanji who honored the offer while the rest stared at Luffy. "Wow..I never thought he could cut hair..." Chopper said with eyes sparkling in amazement. Luffy was trimming the sides and back as he ask Zoro what he wanted only being replied with by a positive grunt. Nami was prepping Sanji's hair as she was looking at Luffy, she got a idea. "Oi Luffy why don't w-"..."Shh! Nami, be quiet I concentrating. I don't want to fuck up Zoro's hair." Luffy said seriously as Zoro opened his working eye and gave a glare to Nami that said 'Don't-you-dare-mess-Luffy-up-or-I-will-slice-you' glare. "Oi Marimo don't glare at Nami-swa-", Luffy sighed loudly as he stopped trimming Zoro's sides to look at Sanji. "Sanji if you and Nami are going to distract me then leave, you can get your haircut with Nami somewhere else." Luffy said sounding annoyed, surprising the crew except Zoro. Luffy got back to work with Zoro's hair, starting to cut the wet-combed out green locks. Nami and Sanji tsk-ed while Luffy just finished cutting and brushed out Zoro's hair with his fingers using the scented oil, dried it and combed it back. "Alright Zoro your done" Luffy chirped with a grin. Luffy pulled out a mirror from nowhere and gave it to Zoro. "Thanks cap'n" Zoro said with a lazy grin while Luffy dusted out the cut hair with the cloth out of Zoro's neck and shoulders. "Sencho-san?" Luffy looked up as Zoro stretched up and decided to nap next to Luffy on the grassy deck, knowing that the crew was going to ask Luffy to do their hair, meaning silence on the deck. "Yes Robin?". "Can you do my hair, if you can?" Everyone besides Luffy, and the sleeping Zoro gawked at Robin's request. Luffy nodded, went to the men's quarters and back and brought out a different conditioner that said 'Mystical Sakura' on it. Luffy cleaned the pillow Zoro sat on and motioned Robin to sit. "How do you want your hair Robin?" she looked at him with a amusing grin and smiled, "I just want to have the front of my hair a little shorter in the back longer up to here." She motioned to her chest first, then to her waist. Luffy nodded and got to work, that day was the day we find out that Luffy is a excellent barber.

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