Monkey D. Luffy the Pirate Ninja King

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Okay papranca ninja Luffy it is, I don't own One Piece or Naruto they belong to Oda-sensei and Kishimoto-sensei.

Chapter 10 - Monkey D. Luffy the Pirate Ninja King

A kamui portal opened out of nowhere as Naruto fell onto the grassy deck along with Kakashi. "Sup Luffy!" Luffy had stars in his eyes, "SUP Naruto...what are you doing here?" Luffy questioned.

Naruto thinks for a moment, "someone sended me to you to teach you how to be a ninja?" Luffy stood still, he honestly didn't know what to say so he just agreed.

Okay Luffy ready for your first lesson?" Naruto said smugly as Luffy nodded enthusiastically. Naruto laughed and sweatdropped, the crew was watching by.

Naruto went to Kakashi to get a paper, Naruto walked over to Luffy.

"Okay here's a special paper-" Luffy face brighten up with stars in his eyes. "it tells you what chakra nature you have." Naruto finished. Luffy grabbed the paper between his fingers, the paper was moving like it was spasming.

" this supposed to happen?" Luffy asked, there was sparks around Luffy's fingers. Naruto turned to Kakashi mentally asking if this was right or not.

Kakashi finally turned to the rubber man and his eyes widened. Kakashi quickly grabbed Naruto and Kamui-ed themselves out of there. The crew just tilted their heads in wonder but then they turned to Luffy.

"LUFFY!" the crew said as the boy fainted being attacked by all five chakra elements.

That was the day Monkey D. Luffy attempted to be a Ninja.

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