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"Yo lix i got some bad news man" jisung said as he went to Felix who was busy working on his car .

"What is it ?" Felix asked busily as he wiped the grime off his face .

"They announced the location" jisung said as he bit his lip nervously .

"And?" Felix asked impatiently .

"It's in- gwangju" jisung said , Felix eyes widened and dropped the tool in his hand as he stared blankly at his car for a few seconds .

"I'm not going" Felix said as he walked past jisung .

"No lix wait-" jisung said as he ran behind Felix .

"Where's Chan hyung?" Felix asked .

"He's in the lounge- but wait listen-" jisung tried to stop Felix but he was walking too fast .

Felix walked up the steps and he stomped on it aggressively .

"I'm not doing it " Felix said as he barged into the lounge .

"Felix this is your first big race you can't pass this off" chris said as he stood up .

"I know hyung . I would've gone if it was anywhere else . But not gwangju" Felix said his voice cracked a little .

Gwangju was where Felix was before all this , where his father died , where Hyunjin was most importantly .

Felix hated hyunjin till the core of the earth for never coming after him . Felix waited for days . Day's turned to weeks and weeks turned to months and now it's been a year and there was no Hyunjin .

Gwangju was the place of his two most hated people and he never wanted to go back to that cursed place .

And right now his first big race was being held there out of all the places in Korea .

"Felix i knows but you gotta let go of you're past . " Chris said , aware of everything that happened to Felix because they got close and they told eachother everything about themselves .

"But hyung-" Felix's voice itched as anger built up inside him .

"Listen . It's going to be ok. You've been training a whole year for this . You can't let go of this opportunity , you worked too hard for it" Chan said as he placed his hands on Felix's shoulder and put his weight on it .

Felix looked up and took a deep breath trying to steady his emotions .

"You'll win for sure ! I'm sure of it . And once you do we'll come back to Seoul immediately and you'll never have to look back at that place" chris said as he looked into the freckled boy's eyes .

Felix sucked in air through this nose sharply as he nodded his head up and down slightly.

"Will you go ?" Chris asked to confirm .

Felix nodded again .

"Yess!" Chan said as he punched Felix's shoulder playfully .

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