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After a couple minutes of chan calming me down, we went out to the others like nothing had happened. I sat in the ground and chan sat next to me, pulling me in tight and he kissed my cheek before starting the song again.

The wolf I call happiness- you know who you are. Thank you

The last words are said and the video comes to and end. I look over at chan, only to see that his eyes have small tears in them. I wipe them away and look at him.

Do I really mean that much to you that you mentioned me in your song?
You are the most important thing in my life right now, and you mean everything to me.

We all dispersed around the dorm, me and chan settling down on our bed.

Hey baby?
Do you want to meet my family?
Of course I do chan!
Well jyp said that he thinks we deserve a holiday and booked tickets to Australia.
Woah woah! Before we accept the tickets... I'll need a kiss as payment.
Do you wanna meet them or not?
I never said no to that kiss Chris.

I kissed him in the lips and then pulled away, settling in his warm arms. I could feel him kissing my head and I smiled, knowing that even thought it's tough sometimes, I have my amazing boyfriend Christopher bang chan, the loveable and amazing man I call mine.

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