◻Chapter 03◻✔️

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Marring Memories

You may wish to keep me invisible. Oh, humans! Even if you keep me latched in the lurking voids, I will hatch with time.


The dancing, tender orange rays of dawn lit the grey walls with their faint light. Little veins of the beams glistened past the sleepy curtains as the woody larks sang the morning coos while perching on the young yet huge almond tree.

Amidst the pious waking of the morning star, there was an absurd illness hidden in every nook of the room. Akin to the wrecked shell of an almond seed still united with its slimy secretions, he sat on the couch.

The air of silence colonized every void in him. He had no complaints nor any cusses. He was too broken to be knitted by his living brain and thudding heart.

After all, who can flee from the chosen curbs?

His gentle laughs jerked off the stillness.

Beep. Beep. Beep.

The vibrating phone turned towards him, reminding him about today's appointment. His last refuge was to sort things straight.

As his eyes read half-past seven, he grabbed his spiral note and some needed papers. He pushed them through the tanned shoulder leather bag. Gearing up the straps to hang it across his torso, he flung it while one of his hands ruffled his hand.

He took the coral ring and the wallet placed beside it. Before exiting the room, he glanced from his messed tangles hanging on his lashes to the beige linen shirt and brown bottom.

All set? He mused.

Looking at his empty wrists, he remembered what he had shirked. Ruffling through the scattered entities, he picked up his black watch. Sprinkling some aquatic perfume and grabbing his hexagon-cut log patterned reading glasses, he locked the room.

As he turned to the stairs, he could see that the opposite door was open ajar.

I gave her sleeping medication. It's not even eight hours yet!

His thoughts dined his starving brain.


He dodged into the room only to greet the nearly folded mattresses and clean tiled floors.

Before his impulses could clog, he heard the swirling sounds of metals from below. With no delay, he sped up. But there was someone else.

"Indra maa!"

Like a rat bit by the sharp canine of a cat, she threw up the utensil sponge and turned around, gaping in shock. As the jingling utensils were silenced, she sealed her yellow-stained tooth, revealed by her plump lips.

"Ayya! Ennachu?" She asked as she washed her hands to scour the froths.

"Sorry, maa. Kima-" Before he could ask her, she interjected him.

"Street Park la."

"Park?" His brows furrowed in riddles.

Why would she have gone to the park at this early hour?

"Tushant Ayya, unga phone." Indra pointed to the green beams flashing from his phone.

He flipped the screen and attended the call.

"Hello, Avina? I will be reaching in twenty minutes. Did the professor reach there?" His hands scratched his temples.

"No, Tushant. I called to tell you that your appointment has been postponed by thirty minutes due to some personal delay. Try to be on time. He is leaving for the airport in two hours."

Amaranthine Odes | ONC 2022Where stories live. Discover now