◻Chapter 07◻✔️

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Hustles of Hurdles

Try not to hide from me. I will hunt you down. Mess with your soul. Tear you apart. Come to me, and my child, let's explore how bold you are.


"Trahh Yam Bha Kamm Yaja Mahe-"

His ears twitched as the unusual phrases echoed. Akin to a fleeting leaf dancing to the waves of winds, his brows swept on his serene forehead.

Dedham Damah Dama Dhadham.

The resounding beats akin to taps upon the tanned leather filled the air with a light yet palpable energy. He calmed his mind to the lulling rhythm. But. The melodic tune trickled down his torso as thundering pricks, triggering his hidden secrets.

"Sugandhim Pusti Vardhanam-"

His creased eyes gently rolled with the flow of the syllables. His palms spinned to bloom akin to the flared lilies. His torso was bent akin to a sturdy horse stuck amidst the beautiful cliff, awaiting to neigh.

"Urvaar Ukamiva Bandhanaan."

His clasped eyes brimmed with tender tears that slipped some drips while his carmine-tinted heel rose in the air.

Hya. Pthap. Weu. Pthap. Shvu-

Screeching weeps and wails crammed his ears. Every whip of air grew deep as the whines rooted them. The thick gushes slashed past his frozen silvery skin, splitting it to ooze some dews of ruby. The irking burns and heated trickles made him shiver. Yet his twirling wrists and tapping heels swayed to the rhythms of the essence.

"Mrtyor Muksiya Maamṛtaat."

He turned around while his hands clapped with every stretch and curled his shoulders as he flipped.

Hyaa! Shvuuu. Pthap. Weeeu. Haung!

The wrecking howls poked a sharp pain. But his legs, light as quill, carried his arched limbs up in the air. His wiggling over the heights made beads of sweat rub a harsh salt on the nascent wounds.

"Aum agh- Aum Shanthi. Aum Shanthi."

His wrinkled fleshy lips raced restlessly. The howls of agony heavied, pouring out the anguish with every ounce of air he breathed.

Dhamah. Dedham. Dham.

He kept tapping his feet as his body writhed to elude the webs of bitterness.

Hmph! Wuu. Pthap. Hmphh-

With every flexion of his limbs, he could feel a sharp, lancinating pain pierce through him as though a harsh bunch of thorns had invaded the soul.

"Aum- Argh! Aum Shaau-nthih."

Every cell of his body froze to their core to chew down the stings.

"Auum Namah. Aum-Namah! Aum. Namah!"

His moves enerved and hazed. Cramming swats of the heart weighed him with every beat. His tingling fingers denied his orders to form the mudras he intended them to.

"Aum Namah Shivayah!"

Pushing his every left-out energy, he grew pale. But tapping feet told him he was alive while his numbing senses demanded him to end.

"May the strength of endurance shall not be blamed."

A guttural voice caught his attention.


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