Chapter 18

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"Social services are calling me"

"What?" Carina asked as she made her way over to Maya.

"Social services are calling me" that's all Maya could reply with- after all that's what was happening.

Maya didn't know what to do: her body was frozen to the spot and her hand was motionless.

"Bella" Carina didn't want to push Maya too far but she could see that Maya was blanking out, so she rested her hand against her cheek, an act that normally causes Maya comfort.

Maya closed her eyes as the phone continued to ring.

Carinas hand on her cheek made her body visibly relax, she took a deep breath before answering the phone.

Carina smiled when she saw Maya except the call and placed it to her ear so she could hear the person on the other end.

"Im not home at the moment" Carina lead Maya over to the sofa so she could sit down as she spoke.

"He'll be home at about five o'clock" Carina rested one hand on top of Maya's that was situated on her lap, as she softly ran her fingertips across the smooth skin; her other hand ran along the blondes back.

"May I ask how you know?" Maya asked.

"Ah ok yes that makes sense"

"He only hit him once or twice from what I know" Maya's body tensed again when the woman asked the next question.

"He hits me whenever he's mad, or even when he's in a good mood he'll still find away to blame something on me to use it as an excuse to hit me" Carina could see the tears that threatened to slip from her girlfriends ocean blue eyes.

It pained her to see Maya in so much pain, she had to will her own tears away as Maya continued to speak.

"It's verbal and mental abuse as well as the physical" Maya took a shaky breath of relief as the phone call started to come to an end.

"Thank you, I'm familiar with the place I'll be sure to pop by if it's too tough" Maya ended the call and placed her phone on the sofa.

"That was scary" Carina could see the look of fear and relief flush over her all at once as her body curled into Carinas side needing to be close to her.

"You did so good my love I'm proud of you" Carina knew that Maya struggled to open up about her fathers abuse to her sometimes let alone social services.

She did a big thing and she was proud of her for it.

"They said that they're going over there tonight to speak with my dad" Carina was relieved that some action was finally taking place about the situation.

"Could I stay here tonight?" Maya asked her eyes locking onto Carinas.

"You even have to ask? You're always welcome here Bella you know that" she wrapped her arms around the blonde making sure she was safe within her arms.

As long as Carina was with Maya no one would be hurting her.
"Hello Bambina" Carinas mother had just arrived home after shopping for necessary items they needed in order to make diner.

"Hi mama" Carina stood from the sofa and hugged the smaller Italian.

"Hi Maya Bella" Maya smiled up from her position on the couch, she uncurled herself and stood so she could also hug the Italian.

"Mama Maya needs somewhere to stay tonight is it alright if she stays here?" Carina knew the answer would be yes but she wanted to ask out of respect for her mother just in case she had plans.

"Of course you're welcome anytime my love" Maya smiled at carina as her mother started to exit the living room.

Maya felt loved within the walls of Carinas home and was coming accustomed to Carinas family as well as her annoying twin brother Andrew.

"Dude you almost had that guy why didn't you finish him" Maya and carina were curled up in bed watching tv as they heard familiar voices get closer to Carinas bedroom.

"Violence isn't the answer to everything Mason" Maya sat up abruptly when she heard her brothers name.

"Mason? Why is he here?" Maya asked Carina like she would know the answer, she was asking her self really.

"Hi Maya" Mason didn't look as surprised as Maya did when she saw him standing at the door with Andrew.

"What are you doing here Mason?" Maya asked as she sat up on the bed and awaited her brothers answer.

"Well I obviously can't go home and I bumped into Andrew at the track, I was painting on one of the walls near by" Mason walked further into the bedroom and sat on the end of the bed.

"Nice to meet you, you must be my sisters girlfriend" Mason held his hand out for the brunette who accepted it and smiled brightly at Mason nodding her head.

"Sì it's nice to meet you too" Maya watched the interaction between her girlfriend and her brother; she had to admit that it felt quite nice that Carina got to meet someone from her family that wasn't horrible.

"Andrew told me that you'd probably be here so I thought I'd come and tell you that I'm staying at the shelter tonight" Mason saw the confused look on his sisters face and interrupted her before she started to speak.

"Maya it's safe there. The woman told me that she even offered you to stay there when/if you need it. I have friends there I'll be ok" Maya looked at her brother for a moment before nodding in acceptance.

"Here" Maya stood from her spot on the bed her hands searching her pockets until she found some loose change.

She held her hand out towards Mason waiting for him to take the money.

"No Maya you need that more than me" Maya shook her head.

"No you take it. I'm staying here tonight i don't need it" Mason looked down at the money in Maya's hand and then back to Maya's face seeing that his sister genuinely wanted to help him and wanted him to take the money.

"Fine but you're coming to the shelter with me one night, there are some great people there May it's a great community to stay with" Maya placed the money into her brothers hands and nodded her head.

"Ok I'll check it out one time" Mason smiled in response before standing from the bed as well.

"I should go it's getting late" Mason made his way over to Andrew and gave him a fist bump, both boys smiled in response.

"See you around" Andrew smiled at Mason.

"Let me walk you there" Maya wanted to make sure he got there in one piece, she didn't need another worry added to her list of many.

"Maya-" Mason tried to speak but was interrupted by his sister.

"No I'm walking you, it's not a question it's a statement" Maya smirked when she saw Mason give in.

"You're so annoying" Mason softly punched the blondes arm laughing as Maya glared at him.

"You love me really" Carina was still situated on the bed as she watched the interaction between her girlfriend and her brother.

She smiled at Andrew before making her way out of her bedroom and to where Maya and Mason were walking in the corridor.

"Be safe" carina placed a soft kiss to Maya's cheek surprising her a little before bidding farewell to Mason.

Carina walked back to her room smiling.

"She looks like she treats you well, I'm glad you have her, you deserve her and need her. Hold onto her Maya" Maya smiled at the thought of her girlfriend her eyes dropped to the floor to try and hide the glint in her eyes that she got whenever someone spoke about the brunette, her cheeks turning a light shade of red.

"Oh look at you you're a softie"

"Mason shut that trap of yours before i give you a dead arm"


I'm finally back with this story I hope you enjoyed this chapter my lovely's. I hope all of you are doing well.

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