Chapter 1

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Disclaimer: I neither own, nor claim to own any character used in this narrative. All characters and trademarks are property of Riot Games, yadda yadda, this is meant to be a parody because- yes.


"I need to speak to the prisoner brought in this morning," Caitlyn told the warden. "Immediately."

"That's going to be difficult. He's not really the most talkative right now." The warden replied, continuing to casually sharpen his sword.

"He was nearly killed by one of his crew. He has motivation to talk." Caitlyn replied, annoyance beginning to tinge her voice. "I must speak with him."

The warden looked up at her. "Oh... you'll be able to speak with him. But good luck getting a response. Medics aren't sure if his jaw will ever heal." He explained.

Caitlyn's eyes widened in clear shock. "How- who did that to him?"

The warden looked up at her. "A pirate."


The sound of fists against stone filled the hall as Caitlyn walked, and it almost caused the soldier to wince. The noise only got louder as Caitlyn approached the solitary cell and found- well- not what she expected.

The girl couldn't have been older than 23, yet her back was riddled with tattooes, and her entire body contained a collection of scars. Her hair was an unusual color, a bright shade of pink, and the bandages that covered her fists and arms were stained with blood at the knuckles as her fists continued to hit the thick stone wall.

"Who the fuck are you?" She asked suddenly, startling the redcoat out of her thoughts.

"You don't seem to be in any position to be asking questions." Caitlyn crossed her arms. "You attacked another prisoner. Why?"

Thud. Thud. "Why not?" The girl didn't even pause to look at Caitlyn.

Caitlyn's eyes narrowed. "He was a witness in an ongoing investigation."

The prisoner stopped and cracked her knuckles. "Hm. Bummer." The girl began to pace the cell, and Caitlyn was getting progressively more annoyed.

"This was a waste of time." Caitlyn muttered and turned away.

"Couldn't agree more. Hey, give Silco a kiss on that eyepatch of his, will you?" The pirate called after her, causing Cait to pause. She backtracked.

"Silco. The merchant?" Caitlyn queried.

"Okay, this is getting old. Can you send in whoever is going to beat the shit out of me so that I can get on with my night?" The girl snapped, glaring at her.

Caitlyn pursed her lips and pulled out her notebook full of sketches and theories about the smuggling operation and the calling cards left behind. She held it up to the bars. "Does this mean anything to you?"

The girl immediately grabbed the bars, startling Caitlyn into stepping backward.

"Where did you get this?" Cait could hear the breathlessness in her voice. She knew something. "My question first. He worked for Silco?"

The girl rolled her eyes. "They all do. How the fuck can anyone not know that? Where did you find this?!" The bars creaked as the pirate's grip tightened on them.

"There was an attack. This is evidence." Caitlyn closed the book. "I need proof, if I'm to believe what you've said about Silco."

"Well I could get it for you. Just, uh, not from in here." Venom audibly dripped from the girl's voice. It was clear she resented both being imprisoned and the people who imprisoned her. Caitlyn snorted.

"In what mad world would I trust someone like you?" She asked sarcastically.

"Someone like me? You Brits are *all* the same, just government criminals in fancy uniforms. Find him yourself!" The prisoner pushed herself away from the bars. Clearly Caitlyn had only made her angrier.

"I will, thank you." Caitlyn said calmly and turned away.

"I can tell you're alone in this." The pirate mentioned, almost as if offhand, from behind her. "The seas are going to eat you alive."

Caitlyn paused and sighed, before continuing to walk away.



The cell door swung open and Vi looked up, meeting the eyes of the soldier who'd questioned her earlier. The blue haired woman said nothing, just walked away. After a moment, Vi heaved a heavy sigh and followed her.

A/N: Hey there motherfuckers. I am *well aware* I finish nothing I start. With that said, let's dive into *yet another idea*. So I have gotten into Arcane recently and it's essentially taken over my life. As such it is time to be very very very very very very cliche and write a pirate CaitVi  fanfic. Yes I'm aware of how the first chapter began, just hang in there with me. Hopefully it'll be well written, but also let's be honest I don't exactly update reliably. So if y'all like it you'll have to bear with me. That being said, let's get started (and since I'm on the writing kick I may update some of my other shit too. We'll see.)

Polluted Seas- A CaitVi AUWhere stories live. Discover now