Chapter 6

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"So what'll it be, man or woman?"

Caitlyn was experiencing a sensation she had never felt before, though she had to assume that this is what Jayce had been referring to when he had described 'gay panic'. As she stared into Vi's stormy grey gaze, her heart began pounding so hard and so loudly beneath her chest that she couldn't imagine that Vi couldn't hear it too. Her position was only made worse as Vi's hand collided with the wooden wall beside her, effectively pinning her. With cheeks burning a color that the British soldier was certain was a shade of deep crimson, her eyes slid to Vi's lips. They then darted to her chest, taking in the pirate's muscular form as best she could with clothing obscuring her view.

Caitlyn's eyes darted back up to Vi's eyes, and her breath caught in her throat as she opened her mouth, trying to force herself to respond."Uh- I- I-" Real smooth, Caitlyn. Real smooth. She opened her mouth to try again, but Vi had already turned and placed a man in front of her.

Caitlyn looked between the man and the retreating back of the pinkette before shoving past him and going after Vi. She grabbed the pirate's muscular arm and for a moment, both were stunned at Caitlyn's sudden boldness as she pulled Vi back to her, their bodies suddenly inches apart.

"Goddamn, cupcake." Vi breathed, eyes wide in the surprise that was still registered on her face. She hadn't expected Caitlyn to come after her, much less be looking at her with an expression Vi had never seen before. There was lust, yes, but lust Vi knew well. There was something new swimming in Caitlyn's sparkling blue eyes that Vi couldn't quite place.

"Woman." Caitlyn whispered, answering Vi's earlier question. She placed her hands on either side of Vi's face and leaned down until they were sharing a breath. "You."

A slow smirk spread across Vi's lips and the pirate immediately grabbed the scruff of Caitlyn's shirt and pulled her in to connect their lips in a slow kiss. I am really bad at describing kissing but I want to add more here so I will add more here later.

Eventually, Vi pulled away, smirk again spreading across her face. "Damn, redcoat. Keep interrogating people like that and we'll get rid of Silco by dusk tomorrow." She teased, stepping away. "I'm sure there are plenty of women here with information on his whereabouts. Ask around, Cupcake. I'll see you later." She turned and made her way to Babette's office, leaving Caitlyn to stare at the pirate's retreating back. This time, Caitlyn didn't pursue.


As Vi exited Babette's office, she heard a giggle in a very distinctive accent and a blush immediately began to unceremoniously spread across the pirate's face, Her eyes flicked to the room beside her and she saw Caitlyn more relaxed than she had ever seen her, flirting with a darker skinned woman. A slow grin spread across Vi's face as she looked away with a slight chuckle and left the brothel, beginning to tread Zaun's streets.

It'd been so long since Vi had last set foot in this town that she'd all but forgotten the buzz of life that was such a staple of her hometown. She passed a band playing a sea shanty that she remembered fondly from her days on The Last Drop with Vander and her siblings and she allowed her mind to wander through her memories again, back to the reason she'd agreed to this venture in the first place. Her sister. Powder.


"What do you call this one?" Vi asked, sitting on the bunk beside her little sister.

Powder glanced up at her for a moment before returning to scraping away at the device in her hands, etching a tiny face into the metal. "Whisker." She told her sister, in a tone of voice that sounded largely put out.

Vi smiled a little bit. Her sister always gave her inventions the most adorable names. "Hey, do you want to talk about what happened?" She asked, compassion warming her voice.

"What's the point?" Powder set her invention aside and hugged her knees. "I ruined everything." The anguish in her voice almost broke Vi's heart.

"Nobody said that." Vi replied in her gentlest tone.

"No. Just that
you were twice the person at half my age. You heard them. I'm not a fighter." Powder's voice cracked as she buried her face in her knees.

Vi gently rested a hand on Powder's shoulder. "You don't have to be. I have my fists. And you have your inventions."

"But Vi, they never work." Powder mumbled.
"They will." Vi gently squeezed Powder's shoulder before standing up. "Come with me."

Vi brought Powder up to the crow's nest of the ship.
The Last Drop was docked in the Zaunian port, and from the crow's nest, one could almost see the whole town.

"What are we doing up here?" Powder asked.

Vi picked up a telescope and offered it to Powder. After her sister took it, she pointed at an opening next to a small enclave of water. "See that gutter next to the river?" She asked. "Claggor got his foot stuck there running from some drunkards. They found it so funny they just left him there. We didn't find him til the morning."

Vi helped guide Powder's view to the next site. "And there was where Mylo slipped on a banana peel into a bucket of tar, and kept sliding til he hit that wall. His ass made that black splotch."

Powder giggled a little at her sister's words as Vi guided her gaze one more time. "When I was about your age, some jackass took my favorite toy. He dangled it over my head for awhile before throwing it up on that hook. I'd come out and stare at it, hoping someone would notice or maybe a bird would knock it down."

Vi sighed and shook her head. "We've all had bad days. But we learn. And we stick together, because that's what families do." She wrapped an arm around Powder and her little sister immediately leaned in.

"Oh, I almost forgot, I still have these from the lab." Powder pulled out the blue orbs.

"What are they?" Vi took one from her and frowned, examining it.

"I don't know." Powder shrugged and looked at Vi. "Should we show Vander?"

Vi shook her head. "No." She replied firmly, but upon seeing her sister's expression, she softened. "Let's keep this between us." She said with a slightly playful smile. "Mylo's wrong, Pow-Pow. You're stronger than you think. And someday....." She trailed off for a moment, resolve flooding into her as she turned and stared off across the ocean.

"Someday the whole world is going to respect us." 

A/N: Haha totally not me posting three whole updates for this fic on ao3 and forgetting to update here as well. Fear not, this shall be rectified! (Ao3 is AlphaJaye071 btw if y'all wanna check out my CaitVi content there). Hope y'all enjoy and sorry for forgetting about this platform *again* xD

Polluted Seas- A CaitVi AUWhere stories live. Discover now