Chapter 4

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A/N: Wow I'm surprised how much activity I have on this fic considering how long it's been since I posted on something. I was lowkey expecting 10 reads at best. Thank you guys 💜, have another chapter

Vi sat up in the bed like a shot, breathing heavily, head spinning with the force of the memories that plagued her nightmares. Daylight had only just begun to filter through the window of the ship’s cabin as the pirate steadied herself and got out of bed, making her way up to the ship’s deck. She was unprepared to find the blue-haired soldier who’d freed her already awake and the anchor already hoisted. She made her way past Caitlyn, shaking herself out of her thoughts. “You’re up early.” She commented, heading toward the ship’s wheel.  

"You sound shocked." Caitlyn replied dryly. "Do you have any idea how regimented the navy is?"

Vi snorted. "I know enough to know I would hate it with every fiber of my being, cupcake." She opened her compass.

"Do you even know where you're going?" Caitlyn asked, watching the pirate and the device she held.

Vi smirked at her. "Oh ye of little faith. What's the matter, cupcake? Don't trust me?"

"It would be a mistake to put my faith in a pirate." Caitlyn replied.

"And yet you break me out of prison, follow me as I steal a navy ship in broad daylight, and to top it all off, I gave you every opportunity last night to try to signal your navy to come arrest me again and you did not." Vi walked over to Caitlyn and very much invaded her personal space. The pirate's breath was hot against the soldier's face as she backed Caitlyn up against the mast. "I be curious as to what drives you, cupcake. Why are you so determined to pursue Silco?"

Caitlyn stared at the pirate, marveling at how boldly she had managed to trap Caitlyn despite being so much shorter than the Englishwoman.

Despite the pink that began to color Caitlyn's cheeks, she held Vi's gaze firmly and her voice was steady as she spoke. "I could ask the same question of you. It's quite clear you have a personal stake in this as well." She countered.

The pirate only laughed as she drew away, that insolent smirk still on her face as she gave the soldier a once over. "Not all pirates are evil, cupcake." She walked back to the wheel.

The rest of the journey into Zaun was silent. As Vi finished securing the ship to the dock, Caitlyn looked out over the port and realized just how different the world she'd just entered was from the world in which she was raised. Her blue eyes swam with fascination as she gazed across the gritty, dirty port city. She was startled suddenly by a voice behind her, and turned her gun on the speaker.

Vi burst out laughing, completely unfazed by the weapon aiming for her skull. "Wow, cupcake. I was just going to ask if you were coming or not."

Caitlyn could feel the flush of embarrassment in her cheeks as she slung the rifle back over her shoulders, worsened only by her traitorous thoughts. Goddamn she has a beautiful laugh.

Caitlyn huffed at herself, and without so much as a word to the pirate who was still chortling behind her, she walked off the ship and took in her surroundings. People roamed all around them all in a variety of mismatched garb. Jackets of various nations paired with trousers and boots. None of it went together, none of it made sense and it didn't have to. Caitlyn glanced back at Vi, who'd stopped laughing and was watching the soldier. She noticed how much more at ease the pirate looked here. How much this was home for her, and suddenly Caitlyn felt incredibly out of place for more reasons that just the impeccably polished uniform she wore.

Vi recognized the wonder in Caitlyn's expression, the fascination in her eyes as she watched the redcoat take in their surroundings, and a slight grin curled her lips. "Welcome to the Lanes, cupcake. Let me show you around."

Polluted Seas- A CaitVi AUWhere stories live. Discover now