Chapter 2

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Vi followed the redcoat out of the prison, feeling the disgust at her situation well up within her. Reduced to relying on a blood back as her way out. Humiliating. She was snapped out of her thoughts by a hand on her chest, startling her into allowing herself to be pushed back into the stone wall. She looked at the soldier girl with an eyebrow cocked upward, but she wasn’t even facing her. “Keep out of sight. You need to try to blend in,” the Brit ordered, causing the pirate to roll her eyes.

“Whatever you say, Your Highness.” Vi mocked before scaling the building. She began to leap from rooftop to rooftop without waiting for the soldier to follow, making her way toward the docks. As she closed in on her destination, she noticed a pair of officers making small talk as they guarded a ship. She smirked to herself and dropped to the ground behind them, taking both out before either could raise the alarm.

By the time the pretty bluenette who’d freed her was able to catch up, Vi had donned the red coat of one of the officers she’d taken out, as well as a tricorn hat she’d stolen. The barely concealed annoyance on the soldier’s face was priceless to Vi, and she had to restrain herself from laughing out loud, instead settling for a self-satisfied smirk.

“What were you thinking?! You could have gotten yourself killed!” The girl, who, it occurred to Vi that she still didn’t know the name of, hissed in her ear.

“I’ve been doing this since I was seven. All of us sea-dwellers can. I thought you wanted me to blend in!” Vi retorted, pushing past her toward the ship docked mere feet away from the girls. She analyzed the situation.

“We need a distraction.” The pinkette told the soldier, and before the Brit could protest, Vi pushed a nearby soldier into the water, knowing full well that they weren’t trained to swim. “Man overboard!” She yelled and quickly pulled her companion along, dissolving into the crowd that inevitably formed.

“Are you- quite certain- you now- what you’re doing?” Vi could here the breathlessness in the bluenette’s voice as she began to cut the ship lines tying them to the dock. However she ignored her, in favor of focusing on stealing the ship at hand.

“The ‘Piltover’s Finest’. You lobster backs really are full of yourselves, huh.” Vi commented on the name of the ship they’d stolen.

“Oh we’re full of ourselves? You just stole a ship in broad daylight!” The soldier replied hotly. “They’re going to be after us in full force now!”

“They were going to be after us anyway!” Vi retorted. "What exactly were you expecting me to do?"

The soldier was clearly fuming. "I knew it, I knew this was a terrible idea, you don't actually know where you're going do you?"

Vi checked the compass she'd been carrying since she was a kid and raised an eyebrow at the soldier. She pushed past her, taking her place at the wheel. "Are you going to help me or are we going to let your comrades catch us?" 

The soldier grumbled but begrudgingly helped Vi. Under the pirate's direction, they were able to quickly outrun the ships tailing them.

"Now the hard part begins." Vi murmured to herself, checking her compass. I'm coming, Powder. I'm coming.

Polluted Seas- A CaitVi AUWhere stories live. Discover now