𝚂𝚠𝚎𝚊𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚆𝚎𝚊𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚛 [r.kyan]

184 6 0

@KimDragonSlayer requested:
"Reki x reader plz?"

A/n: the art of Reki is mine, plz don't steal



Reki looked towards the sky as he felt a couple drops of water hit his face.

It definitely looks like it's about to start pouring, and Reki isn't down to get soaked. Reki started walking faster until he spotted a bus stop, a little roof over it.

Reki ran over and sighed. "So uncool.." Reki looked towards the sky again, seeing the drops of water turning bigger.

Reki set his skateboard against the small cubicle and sat down on the bench.

He was supposed to meet up with Langa at the skate park. The weather channel said it was supposed to be a really sunny day. Well, turns out it wasn't.

Reki pulled out his phone to text Langa, until Reki heard some scampering sounds.

Reki looked up to see a figure running towards him in the distance. It was raining so much he couldn't see who it was.

Soon, you came into view as you ran towards the cubicle Reki was sitting in. You made an abrupt halt right when you got under the shelter. Your hands were on your knees as you panted.

Reki blushed a little bit, seeing you were soaked to the brim, your clothes sticking against your skin. Reki took note how you weren't wearing a jacket, and you are very pretty.

Reki blushed softly but tried to play cool. "Don't have a jacket?" Reki asked.

You seemed to have just noticed him, and you nodded slowly, sitting next to Reki on the bench.

You grabbed onto your clothes to try and squeeze out the water, but it didn't do much.

"Yeah, I didn't bring my jacket too. But I got under here just in time!" Reki exclaimed.

You nodded again, feeling shy and embarrassed from the situation. Of course you were fine with him trying to start a conversation, but still, there is a cute boy next to you while you are shivering and wet.

Reki's smile faltered as he stared at you, you would definitely get a cold if you stayed this cold for any longer. Reki thought about it for a bit, and finally decided.

He started taking his hoodie off and tapped your shoulder. You glanced to the boy and his smile made you feel warm.

"Look, uh, I don't need this as much as you do so uh, here." The boy blushed, holding out his hoodie for you. "What, really? No it's fine, but thank you." You waved your hands in the air, trying to push the hoodie back towards him. As tempting as that sounds, you aren't going to take some stranger's hoodie away from him.

"Please, I insist. You need warmth, or you'll get a cold." Reki pointed out. "No I'm fine. I won't get a cold, but thank-" you cut yourself off with a sneeze. You sniffled a bit and glanced to the boy again, only to see him still holding out his hoodie for you.

You sigh, taking the hoodie reluctantly. You stared at the yellow hoodie for a second, before sliding it over your cold body.

You immediately started to feel warm, you snuggled up in the hoodie as you made your noes warmer with your breath.

The sight was very cute for Reki, and he didn't even notice how cold it was without his hoodie.

"Thank you so much, usually strangers aren't this nice, at least to other strangers." You smiled softly as Reki rubbed the back of his neck.

"Oh it's nothing. I just know I would be super bummed out if I were in your shoes. Plus, a cute thing like you shouldn't need to be this cold." Reki smiled innocently. It took him about thirty-seconds to realize what he just said.

Reki and you stared each other awkwardly, both of your faces growing redder and redder by the second.

"I-I'm sorry, was that too much..? Jeez I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable." Reki looked away. "No, no, it's fine. I usually don't get compliments too often, so, it's nice. Thank you." You smiled warmly, Reki staring at you.

You weren't like the other people he has tried to flirt with or talk to. Most people find him annoying or just straight up reject him. You're different, you actually seem to enjoy his company.

"O-Of course." Reki stammered, pinching his arm for stuttering.

Reki started to talk about how he works on skateboards and skateboards himself. You were listening intently, which Reki isn't too used to, but continued to talk. You then started to talk about your life and what you like to do.

Soon, the rain started to slow down. Instead of being relieved, Reki was sad. Now you two will part ways.

You stood up and peeked up at the sky. "Finally, the rain stopped." You stated. "Yeah, it did." Reki rubbed his arm.

You slid the hoodie off of you and handed it back to Reki. "You know what, it was really nice meeting you." You said. "Do you want my number?" You asked, fidgeting with your fingers.

Reki almost chocked on his own spit. "R-Really? Yeah! I would love to! Uh, give me a sec." Reki fumbled in his pockets, pulling out his phone and almost dropping it.

You tell him your number as he excitedly typed it into his phone. "Again, thank you so much for the hoodie." You thanked. "Of course! I'm glad I have your number, I um, can't wait to meet you again." Reki admitted.

You giggled softly. "Same, it was nice to meet you. Have a good day!" You waved as you walked the other way, leaving Reki staring at you.

He bit his lip to hold in his excitement.

He just got your number.

You two just met, but Reki might have fallen for you already.

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