Chapter Six

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 Pastry fiddled with her food glumly, repeatedly stabbing the star jellies on her plate. She sat by herself in the corner of the garden as she tried to ignore the other nuns eating cakehounds all around her.

The smell of the cakehounds made Pastry nauseous and she felt like throwing up. Despite the sunny day, Pastry felt a cold chill creep up her back.

"Pastry Sister?" Oatmeal asked, startling Pastry. She pretended she was not affected at all and turned around with grace and style to meet the intruding nun.

"Yes, Oatmeal Cookie Sister? What is it? Do you request my assistance?"

"Well, I was just wondering... about what Lemon Meringue said..." Oatmeal looked down at the bun in her hand. "Will we really stop eating cakehounds? What will happen to our bodies if we don't get the nutrition?"

"There are other options, Oatmeal. We won't die. It will be alright."

"But..." Oatmeal bit her lip, wringing her hands nervously until they looked like they would twist beyond repair, "the Reverend Mother(s) always talk about how we'll die if we don't eat cakehounds. But, Pastry, you aren't eating cakehounds and I feel like you are still as healthy as ever. Why? Or do you have some disease that I do not know of?" Oatmeal looked alarmed at the thought.

"I'm fine, relax," Pastry said, trying to calm Oatmeal down, "speaking of food, I'm going to get some more stamina jellies or something at the buffet table. Stay here, please."

"Okay," Oatmeal said, not questioning Pastry's odd order.

Seeing that Oatmeal was staying put, Pastry headed over to the buffet table set out by the nuns. She took a plate and a spoon, scooping out a large portion of miniature stamina jellies, carefully made by the cooks. These small versions of the normally large, cakehound sized jellies were all the demand in the monastery.

Pastry took the plate and spotted an opened door to the monastery. She slipped through the crack and tried to walk as unsuspiciously as possible as she headed towards the dungeons.

There was a certain, and no doubt hungry, cakehound general down there. As much as Pastry wanted to deny it, she thought of Red Velvet constantly. She felt like he had flipped her world around.

"I'm going to go check on him," Pastry said aloud, to no one in particular. Maybe she was trying to assure herself that what she was doing was not against the monastery rules. It wasn't wrong to simply feed a prisoner, was it? It wasn't like Pastry was going to free Red Velvet or anything, ha ha. Ha ha ha...

Pastry stared at the cold door across from her. She grabbed the handle and twisted it, a little harder than she had intended to. She quickly grabbed the door before it could hit the wall, her heart pounding. She slowly pushed open the door and tiptoed inside. She quietly scurried down the steps. Turning around the corner, she saw Red Velvet laying on the ground, the top of his head pointed towards the door and his feet at the far side of the cell. He didn't react to her presence. Perhaps he didn't realize she was there.

"Hey," Pastry hissed. Red Velvet didn't reply, he just lay there, motionless. Pastry wondered if he was deliberately ignoring her. "Red Velvet?"

Red Velvet snored, his head tilting to one side. Pastry walked over to the bars and arched her neck to get a better look at him. So Red Velvet had been simply asleep.

Pastry almost jumped when Red Velvet suddenly shifted, making a sleepy noise. He yawned loudly, opening his mouth to display a rather sharp set of canines. He sounded oddly comfortable considering the fact that he was lying on the cold ground.

"Oh, hey, nun," Red Velvet said, blinking sleepily.

"Hey, cake monster," Pastry paused when she realized the words that came out of her mouth sounded immensely teasing. She quickly added: "I got you something."

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