Chapter Five: Chill of Dusk

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I should hunt. . . I haven't eaten since yesterday.

Jessy was aware of her stomach grumbling, but did not have the strength or will to do anything about it. A full moon had passed since Firestar had left her here alone, two moons since she had left ThunderClan. Jessy was not aware of many things these days, but the passing of time was a blinding reality she could not ignore. Nor was the awareness of an unknown future stretching ahead her something she could escape in sleep.

I can try though. . . One day, StarClan will have mercy and claim me.

Jessy curled up tighter in her reeking and tattered nest, squeezing her eyes tight against another flood of grief. One of her kits kicked her and she grunted, trying to ignore it.

Her kits were due any time in the next moon. Some part of her- the motherly side obviously- knew she should eat if her kits were to be born healthy and strong. She just. . . Couldn't.

As the thought passed her head, another kit kicked her chest hard and she gasped, forced to uncurl.

"What is your problem?" She growled.

"They're hungry, obviously. Can you not hear them crying?"

Jessy jumped slightly, and looked around. There was no one around.

"Down here."

She lowered her gaze and gasped. A small white tabby kit with black ears and paws sat right under her chin, blinking blue eyes in annoyance at her.

"Wha- who are you?" She demanded, then stood up, doing a full circle and scanning the empty field. "Where is your mother?"

The kit did not answer her question and when Jessy turned back to where it was, it was gone. Spooked and strangely disappointed- and with her kits kicking her strongly in the ribs- Jessy swiftly trotted into her favorite nearby patch of forest to hunt.

Water tugged at Jessy's fur, threatening to pull her into its dark depths. Terror pulsed through her veins as she remembered Seedpaw, the ThunderClan apprentice who had drowned during her stay. She instinctively clawed upward and her claws scraped against something hard. Ice.


Jessy frantically clawed and kicked at the ice, her lungs already starting to ache.

No! No! Help! Someone help me! Sun! Bramblestar, Squirrelflight! Skywatcher! Can anyone hear me?!

She opened her mouth to wail, but bubbles streamed out silently instead. Her lungs wanted to burst.

There was a dull, repetitive thud, and she froze. Pawsteps? A tabby face suddenly pressed close to the ice, his amber eyes frantic and horrified.

Bramblestar! Bramblestar, help me!

Jessy wanted to cry out, but she was growing weaker. More and more faces crowded around her above the ice, blurred and terrified. She could hear the faint scrape of desperate claws scratching the ice and paws attempting to slam through it, but it was too thick.

I'm going to die. . . I'm going to drown, and they will have to watch.

"What are you doing? Fight!"

Jessy whipped her head around in horror. That same white kit was floating in the water beside her, eyes flashing in the murky depths.

What are you doing down here? No! No! The kit can't drown, I have to get her out of here. . . I have to. . .

Jessy's mind darkened, her heart slowing down. As it stopped beating, she heard the kit's voice murmur,

"You could've survived if you fought harder. And by the way, I have a name. It's Icekit."


Wow, okay. I wasn't sure I would get to publish this chapter, but I felt I had to finish it tonight for a special someone who deserves all credits for the amazing Icekit, who will be seen more later and explained more later:


Enjoy, next chapter, kits will be born!

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