Would you like to dance?

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Chapter is set in the UA dorms.
Time is 8:00 AM; Friday (next week)
Kaminari, Jiro, Kirishima, and Ashido are heading to prom and Kaminari is going to ask Jiro to dance with him :)


"EEEEEEEEEEEEEE I'm so excited! :D" Ashido says sounding very happy to go to prom with her 'Kiriboo' (that's what she calls him sometimes). "Haha, me too!" Says Kirishima. "Same here!" Kaminari says smiling. "How 'bout you, Jiro?" Jiro looks at Kaminari and smiles. "Yeah I am too,"

Kaminari:  I've never seen Jiro smile before...she's so pretty...

The friends arrive at the school gym.

"YAY WE'RE HERE!!!" Ashido says happily. "Yeah! I'm excited!" "C'mon! Let's go!"

Kaminari and Jiro head to get some punch, where they meet Midoriya and Uraraka. "Hey, Midoriya!" "Oh hi, Kaminari! You having fun?" "Yep! Me and Jiro were about to get some punch." Jiro slightly blushes.

Kaminari pours himself and Jiro a cup of punch. "Thank you," Jiro says. He smiles. "Haha, no problem."

Jiro: his smile is so...cute...

"Hey, um, Jiro?" "Hm?" Kaminari's face turns a light pink. "Would you...like to dance?" Jiro freezes. "I- I have to use the restroom," She grabs Ashido's hand on her way out of the gym. "Ashido, Kaminari just asked me to dance and I don't know what to do..." Ashido puts a huge smile on her face. "Just say yes! He's totally into you, Jiro!" "You really think so?" Ashido puts her hand on Jiro's shoulder. "Yes. Now go get 'em Jiro!"

Jiro goes back to find Kaminari. He's still waiting for her at the punch bowl.

"Jiro! You're back!" Kaminari smiles. Jiro starts blushing and fidgets her earphonejack's. "Kaminari, do you- do you still want to dance?" He smiles and grabs her hand. "Of course I do,"

The two start dancing. Ashido and Kirishima are watching from the other side.

"Aww, look at those two! Aren't they adorable together?" Ashido says smiling. "Hey, Kiri? Wanna dance?" "I'd love too,"

Kaminari and Jiro are still dancing. Jiro starts blushing. He kisses her.

Jiro: He...kissed me. Why did I...like it?

"Kaminari why did you..." His eyes eyes lit up. "JIRO IM SORRY! I DIDN'T ASK!"

Kaminari: Dang it! Why did I just kiss her without permission?!

Jiro leans into Kaminari and kisses him. He gasps.

Kaminari: Jiro just...kissed me back...so I didn't mess up then...

Ashido and Kirishima are still watching from the other side. They stop dancing and get behind the punch bowl.

*whisper* "Kiri! Look! They're kissing!" "They are...wow Kaminari really manned up then before," "Yeah, and Jiro is showing Kaminari how she really feels about him...I'm so proud of her."

Midoriya and Uraraka walk into Kirishima and Ashido. "What are you two doing?" Ashido yanks Uraraka down along with Midoriya. "Shhhhh! Be quiet! We don't want them to hear us!"

"Look!" Ashido points at Kaminari and Jiro. They're still dancing together. Jiro's head is leaning on Kaminari's shoulder. Uraraka gasps. "They're hugging! Aww, I'm so proud of you, Jiro!" Ashido and Uraraka go run to her.

"AAAAAAAAAAA WHAT'RE YOU DOING HERE?!" Jiro looks terrified. "We came over here to congratulate you on showing your true love for Kaminari!" Ashido says jumping in excitement. Kaminari looks stunned. "Jiro you love me?" She gets flustered. "Well, yeah. We already went through this the other day-I don't want to confess again, idiot..." Kaminari hugs Jiro. "Just so you know, I love you too."

"AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW" Ashido and Uraraka both jump for joy.
"Really?! Please don't make it obvious..." "Sorry, we're just so happy to see you showing emotions! No offense..." "None taken- I guess"

"What was that about?" Midoriya asks. "It was just the girls 'celebrating' Kaminari and Jiro's dance." "Oh I see. Yeah Ashido is always like that when she sees me and Uraraka around eachother, heh" "Haha, yeah that's Ashido for you."



Sorry I kept repeating their names so many times. I had to keep alternating between first and last. I'll try and make it less complicated for you guys :)

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