Chapter is set in Kaminari's dorm. Him and Jiro are gonna play Animal Crossing :3
"Hey, Kaminari." Kaminari hears Jiro's voice and smiles. "Hey, Jiro! Need somethin'?" "Yeah, actually. Do have Animal Crossing? I just feel like playing it with someone-" Kaminari looks at Jiro with confusion. "You play Animal Crossing? You don't seem like the one to play those types of games," Jiro blushes in embarrassment. "Hey! I take offense to that you know..." Kaminari nervously chuckles. "Heh, sorry..."
"You have it or not, idiot..." "Oh yeah I do. Let's play then! ^v^"
Jiro: He's adorable...
"So, my island or yours first?" "Let's do yours...mine hasn't been touched in weeks, heh-"
Kaminari visits Jiro's ACNH island first.
"Wow, Jiro! Your island is so pretty! I definitely love the- um- why are there so many Throwback Skull Radios by your house?" Jiro looks at Denki with a dirty look. "Are you judging me, Kaminari?" Kaminari has a nervous face. "N-no..." "Good."
"Shall we visit your island now?" "Yep! But I haven't played in like two weeks so be warned of all the weeds," Jiro sees the all the random Zipper Toys placed on the ground. "Kaminari- *pffffft* what are all these?" "They're Zipper toys! Don't they make the island stand out?" Jiro tries to keep in her laugh. "Yep-they definitely stand out-""Wanna see my house?" "Yeah, sure."
Jiro walks into Kaminari's house. The first thing you see when you enter is Noh Masks all hung up in a perfect line on the wall.
"Wha-" "Its my mask collection! :D" "I can see that..." "I haven't seen your house yet, Jiro! Can we go back to your island?" "Yeah that's fine, just don't make a big deal of it..."
They travel back to Jiro's island to see her home.
"I'm excited to see it!" Jiro blushes. "Don't be too excited, idiot. There's not really anything interesting..." Kaminari's face glows up with amazement. "Woah! Is that an Electric Bass?! I never have the bells to buy stuff like that!" "Well, yeah. I save my bells so I can get the really expensive items I want. I have over 2 million bells," "2 MILLION!?" Jiro smiles. "Haha, yep. Oh and I also have some Royal Crowns that I bought a while back. I have no use for them so you can have them all. Sell them if you want." Kaminari pouts. "Now your just bragging-"
Time skip to Saturday 8 am. *Daisy Mae visits on Sundays.
"Hey Jiro! Wanna play animal crossing again?" "Hm? Oh yeah, sure. Its Saturday isn't it? Daisy Mae should be on our islands tomorrow. We should check our turnip prices," Kaminari smiles. "That's a great idea, Jiro! I'll go do that right now! I'll tell you my prices, k?" Jiro softly chuckles "Ok,"
Jiro: he really is cute when he's happy...
"Back! My prices are 150 per turnip. :)" Jiro slightly smiles. "Mine are 200. Since you are pretty much poor, I'll give you a couple thousand Bells," "Thank you! :D (Wait- you just called me poor...)" "Let's visit tomorrow cause Daisy Mae isn't here yet."
Sunday before 12
"Ok ready now, Jiro?" "Yeah. You come to my island first. (My turnips do sell for more-)" Kaminari gets excited. "Alrighty! Open the gates when your ready! :D" "Actually let's do local play. I'll still open the gates but it's just easier. So when you get to the airport select 'local play's." "Oh ok!"
Kaminari arrives at Jiro's island.
"Here, I'll give you 500 thousand so you can buy the turnips." "Thank you! Let's go find Daisy Mae then!" Jiro grins. "Yeah I think I saw her by *Cherry's house." "Cherry? I don't think I've ever had them at my campsite before..." Jiro chuckles. "I got her the other day and I absolutely love her." "I have Bob and he is my absolute favorite. ^v^" Jiro smiles.
Jiro: Kaminari really does like smiling...It makes me somewhat happy but I don't want to make it obvious to him that I actually like him...eventhough we are dating- but still,
"How many are you gonna buy, Jiro?" "As much that can fit in my pockets. I can always put the turnips in my house and buy more but its almost 12," Kaminari frowns "Oh no! my pockets are full!" "I can make a space so you can drop the stuff you don't need in my house if you want." Kaminari starts smiling. "Thank you so much," "Don't mention it. No seriously, don't."
They both stay on Jiro's island for a while. There is a knock at the door.
"Come in!" Ashido and Kirishima walk in. "Oh hey, Kirishima! Ashido!" "Hi, Kaminari! Whatcha playing?" "Oh me and Jiro are playing Animal Crossing! Wanna play with us?" Kirishima and Ashido both brought their switches cause they kinda figured they were gonna be playing something. "Yup! So whose island are y'all on?" "Mine," Jiro says with a slight smile. "Oooooooo yay! I've always wanted to see your island Jiro! Never knew you played Animal Crossing, though." Jiro slightly blushes in embarrassment. "What why?" Ashido shrugs. "I dunno I just feel like you would be more into games like Mortal Kombat or something-" "O-oh...well I guess so but Animal Crossing's fun to me." Ashido giggles.
Ashido and Kirishima both arrive on Jiro's island.
"Wow Jiro this looks so nice!" Kirishima says. "It really does!" Jiro gently smiles. "Thanks guys. I really didn't try that hard to be honest." "Well, it looks amazing!" Kaminari says with a big smile.
Jiro: Kaminari really loves to smile doesn't he? It's so cute though...
"Jiro? You need somethin'? You've been staring at me the past 2 minutes."
Jiro's face turns red and she jumps looking shocked. "W-what no I wasn't staring at you, idiot! I was um- looking at those hats you have on your wall. Do you ever wear them? You would look hilarious in them." She says covering her mouth to try and stop blushing.
Jiro: Dang it! Why did I have to stare at that adorable idiot for so long? I didn't want him to notice me staring...
I might make a part 2 to this chapter :) I want to make one of them playing Mario Kart or Smash Bros :]
Edit: I might also add more if I can :) (I'll take short breaks in between lol)
*Note: Daisy Mae sells turnips every Sunday on your island. She always leaves at 12 pm.*
*Cherry is a sisterly dog villager. She looks kinda emo lol

Musical Lover (KamiJiro Oneshots(?))
FanfictionJiro isn't sure if she has feelings for Kaminari. Kaminari shows how much he likes her and doesn't hide it; Jiro doesn't like letting it be known that she likes Kaminari.