What?! I DO NOT like him-

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Chapter setting is in Ashido's dorm. The 1-A girls are talking about crushes.
Time is 7:30 PM, Friday
Ashido figures out that Kaminari is Jiro's crush; Kaminari is gonna try and ask Jiro out to prom.


"So girls, do any of you have any crushes on any of the boys?" Ashido asks with a playful tone. Jiro blushes a little. "Jiro?" Her face turns a bright red. "U-um what? Me? No not at all-"

Jiro: She better not be thinking about who I think she is-

"Is it...KAMINARI" Jiro gets really flustered. "WHAT?! NO! NEVER!" Ashido smiles mischievously. "Are you sure you don't like Kaminari?" "Y-YES IM SURE!" "Then why are you stuttering?"

Jiro: Seriously?!

"I- I'm not!" "Yes you are," Hakagure joins into the conversation. "OK FINE! I do like Kaminari, but don't get all crazy about it," The two girls squeal. Jiro sighs. "Now stop making it a big deal," She blushes.

In Kirishima's dorm.

"So Kaminari, I heard that you might ask Jiro out for the upcoming prom we're having," Kaminari's face gets red. "W-well, yeah but I feel like she'll turn me down like she always does-" "C'mon, man! Be manly about it! She'll say yes for sure!" Kirishima says patting Kaminari's back. "You sure?" "Positive,"

2 days before prom.

Kaminari: Ok, Denki, you can do this. Just go up and ask Jiro to go to prom with you. It'll be fine...

"H-hey, um, Jiro?" Jiro turns back to Kaminari blushing. She starts blushing too. "Yes?" "Um, would you like to... go to prom with me?"

Kaminari: Please say yes, please say yes-

She freezes. "N-no!" Jiro runs away in embarrassment. Kaminari looks shocked.

Kaminari: "No?" Dang it, Denki! Why did you have to mess this up?!

Jiro: WHY DID I SAY NO?! I OBVIOUSLY WANTED TO SAY YES! I-IT WOULDN'T COME OUT! I have to fix this eventhough Kaminari might not want to go with me anymore-

Jiro tries to go and talk to Kaminari again. She goes to his dorm and knocks on the door. "Kaminari? Are you there?"

Jiro: I hope he's ok...

"Who is it?" "It's Jiro you dingus," "O-oh. Come in," "I-I just want to say that- that I DO want to go to prom with you," "R-really?" "Yes, of course I do. Eventhough you can be a big idiot sometimes you're cool, (in some sort of way)" Kaminari smiles. "I think you're cool too, Jiro! I'm happy that you want to go to prom with an idiot like me," Jiro smiles. "Your MY idiot," She blushes. "O-ok no more 'touchy-feely'... its weird" Kaminari chuckles.

Ashido was standing by the door the whole time they were talking. "Yes! Finally! Now time to spread the word hehe," she says silently to herself.

"GUYS! GUYS! JIRO SAID YES!!!!" Ashido says running to the main room. "Yes, let's go Kaminari!" Kirishima says to himself.

"YES I KNEW IT!" says Hakagare just as excited as Ashido.

"Hey Yaoyorozu~" Mineta says being the way he is. "Do you want to-" Sero tapes Mineta's mouth shut and yeets him to the couch. "Thank you Sero! Here have a cookie. Freshly baked!"

Sero thanks Yaoyorozu and goes to meet up with Kirishima.

"I'm really happy for Kaminari." Sero says while eating his nice, warm, cookie. "Yeah same! I actually never expected Jiro to say yes, I'm still really happy though." "Yeah. Wanna get some pizza?" Kirishima smiles wide. "I never say no to that!"


This chapter almost made me cry while writing it tbh-

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