Gaming Session

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This is a part 2 of the last chapter.

Chapter is set in Kaminari's dorm. Him and Jiro are having a gaming session since its Friday and there's no school the next day. They have these every Friday.


Jiro's going to Kaminari's dorm since its Friday and every Friday they have gaming sessions. She knocks on the door. "Kaminari, it's me." "Oh come in!" Kaminari gives Jiro a hug and a kiss. Jiro starts blushing a little. He smiles.

"So I was thinking we can play a few rounds of Smash Bros. first and then whatever game you'd like to play after! ^v^" Jiro smiles. "Yeah, that's fine."

They both start playing Smash Bros.

"Jiro who are you gonna be?" Denki asks with a smile, as always. "I'm thinking Jigglypuff." "I'm gonna be Pikachu!" Jiro smiles, trying not to make it too noticeable.

The first round starts and somehow Kaminari is in the lead. Its usually Jiro who carries him.

Jiro: wait, how is Kaminari winning?! Has he practiced or something?

Kaminari: Am I actually gonna beat Jiro? That's a first...she probably hasn't played in a while...unless- she's letting me win?

*Game!* Jiro's face turns blank.

Jiro: I...lost...well played Kaminari, well played-

"Hey, I won! Good game, Jiro!" "Yeah good game." "Wanna play a different game?" "Yeah that's fine." Kaminari smiles. "You can pick. :>"
Jiro: I know one game that Kaminari can never beat me at: Mario Kart...

"Let's play Mario Kart then." Kaminari starts sweating.

Kaminari: Mario. Kart. Dang it! Jiro knows that's my worst game! Well, I guess I'll have to try then...

Jiro smiles, and again trying not to make it too noticeable. "Ready, Kaminari?" Kaminari trys not to get nervous since he knows he's gonna lose right away. "Yep...ready as I'll ever be, heh..."

And just like that, Jiro wins all four races with Kaminari always being way behind her; even if he did barely get close to first. "Dang Jiro you non-stop won every race-" "Yup. You should've known this by now, Kaminari. Mario Kart is my best game." Kaminari smiles and gives Jiro a peck on the cheek. "Yeah, I know."

Kirishima knocks on the door. "Hey, Kaminari! Hey, Jiro!" "Oh Kirishima, hi!" Kirishima chuckles. "Did Jiro beat you at Mario Kart again?" Kaminari
pouts. "We don't talk about that! Anyway, what're you doing here?" "Oh I just came to tell you both that me and Bakubro are hosting a Smash tournament in my dorm! You guys wanna join? Camie and Ashido are gonna be there as well," Jiro looks at Kaminari. "Wanna go Kaminari? I can probably get you back from the last time we played." Kaminari chuckles. "Oh yeah bring it on!"

The three head to Kirishima's dorm. Bakugou, Camie, and Ashido are all waiting. Bakugou is obviously training because he never likes to lose.

"Hey, Bakugou! Training cause you know you're gonna lose, eh?" Kirishima says chuckling. "WHAT NO I'M TRAINING TO SEE HOW MANY COMBOS I CAN MAKE TO BEAT ALL OF YOU EXTRAS! I ALREADY KNOW I'M GONNA WIN!!" "Calm down, Bakubabe-" Camie says caressing his shoulder to try and calm him down. "Ugh fine...I'm still gonna win, though."

They all choose their characters: Kaminari is Pikachu, Jiro is Jigglypuff, Camie is Zelda, Bakugou is Bowser, Kirishima is Donkey Kong, and Ashido is Inkling.

"Ready guys?" Kaminari says enthusiastically. Ashido clenches her fist."Bring it!"

*3, 2, 1, GO!!*

Jiro: I think it's best if I go for Kaminari first to get him back but I think that'll be too mean...fine- I'll just play fairly then so I don't feel bad after

"AHAHA YOU'RE GOING DOWN GUYS!" Bakugou says, being the way he is. "Oh no you don't, Bakugou!" Kirishima says in a competitive tone. *player 4, defeated* "DAMN IT KIRISHIMA!" Kirishima mockingly laughs. Camie got the final smash. "Oh really, Kirishima? Take this!" *player 5, defeated* "NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! Well I kinda deserved that heh"

Kaminari: Yes! I got the final smash! Time to-

*player 1, defeated*

"What?! Aww dang it!" "Sorry, Kaminari. I had to-" Jiro K.Oed Kaminari before he could use his final smash.

Jiro: I finally got my revenge huh? Ha...still love ya Kaminari-

"Now it's just you and me, Ashido!" "Come at me Jiro ha!"

Jiro: Final smash? Final stock? I know exactly what to do- time for that Jigglypuff final smash ending attack...


"Yes! I won! Sorry Ashido, I just had to use that Jigglypuff move on you," "Haha no it's fine! That was fun! Good game guys!" Bakugou pouts. "Well good for you guys..." "It's ok Baku, your still the winner in my heart <3" Camie gives Bakugou a kiss. Kaminari smiles. "Hey Jiro, you won fair and square. Good game." "Yeah, thanks."


Not me finishing this chapter at 3 in the morning-

Sorry that one Camie line was so cringe 😭 I'm just too tired to fix it lol

New part hopefully coming soon!

Also might add more if it needs it :)

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2022 ⏰

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